

Hasura Community Edition

Hasura GraphQL Engine is an opensource product that connects to your databases & services and gives you a realtime GraphQL API, instantly.


Powerful querying

Powerful queries out-of-the-box


Query across tables & views with powerful filtering, pagination and pattern search.
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Insert Mutations

Insert single or multiple objects. Make upsert operations on conflict to simplify app logic.
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Update Mutations

Update objects based on a condition. Update to Increment/multiply directly.
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Delete Mutations

Delete one object or in bulk based on a condition.
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Remove old product tags and insert new tags
Remove old product tags and insert new tags
Fetch first five brands with top ten products for each
Fetch first five brands with top ten products for each
Subscriptions and live queries

Realtime with subscriptions and live queries

Convert any GraphQL query to a live query by using subscriptions.

1- Set up a GraphQL subscription


2- As Postgres data changes...

Orders (postgres table)

3- The UI is updated

Order XX-57 (mobile/web UI)
Dynamic access control

Dynamic access control that integrates with your auth

  • Create field-level allow & deny rules with dynamic variables.
  • Create role-based schemas.
  • Integrate with an existing auth system.

To-do app with Auth0

GraphQL using Gitlab’s auth

Restrict access in production to only pre-approved queries

Create a list of safe queries in an allow-list and configure Hasura to restrict access to only the queries in this list.
Write business logic backed by REST APIs

Write business logic backed by REST APIs

  • Define custom queries and mutations.
  • Back it with business logic in REST APIs.
  • Connect the REST API output with rest of the graph without writing any code.
  • Use with Hasura permission system.
Remote schemas

Merge Remote GraphQL schemas

  • Use remote schemas for custom business logic, delegating to HTTP APIs, etc.
  • Seamlessly merge remote schemas behind a single GraphQL API.
  • Supports GraphQL servers written in any language/framework, deployed anywhere.
  • Boilerplates available for popular languages and serverless platforms.
Event triggers for serverless

Trigger webhooks on database events

  • Invoke asynchronous business logic; Use with serverless.
  • Build reactive UX with GraphQL subscriptions & live-queries.
  • Powered by native Postgres triggers for reliable capture & delivery of database events.
  • Available with live-demo apps, tutorials & boilerplates for serverless functions.
Adding to an existing postgres database

Add to an existing, live postgres database

Add Hasura to any existing postgres database as-is and expose select tables & views over GraphQL.

We took Gitlab CE (a complex rails + postgres application), hosted it on DigitalOcean and added GraphQL to it in just a few minutes. Check out the demo on the left!
Admin UI and schema migrations

Admin UI & Rails inspired schema migrations

As you use the UI to build and manipulate your GraphQL and database schema, Hasura automatically spits out migrations files that you can put in version control.
Query performance analysis

Query Performance Analysis

Ready to get started with Hasura?