

Realtime Todo App

We will be building the backend of a realtime todo app.

You can use the one-click to deploy on Hasura Cloud to get started quickly.

Deploy to Hasura Cloud

In this sample app,

  • Users can maintain personal todos
  • Users can view public todos
  • A list of currently online users using the app
  • Send email when a user signs up

Broadly this means that we have two main models in this app: users and todos, each with its own set of properties.

We will go over them in the subsequent steps.

The final model looks like the following:

Schema Todo app

Check out the full tutorial here - https://hasura.io/learn/graphql/hasura/introduction/

Apply Todo App Migrations and Metadata Manually

Update config.yaml to point to the right graphql-engine endpoint with/without admin_secret.

Run the following command in the console:

$ hasura deploy

This will apply the migrations and metadata.

Submit a new integration

About Realtime Todo App
Build a real-time to-do app backend with GraphQL APIs, secured using JSON Web Tokens.
About Realtime Todo App
Build a real-time to-do app backend with GraphQL APIs, secured using JSON Web Tokens.