

A GraphQL powerhouse

Fast and simple GraphQL API creation, collaboration, operation, and evolution on one or many domains.

Fuel the API flywheel

Boost data flow and value with an API platform that offers self-service onboarding for API producers and self-service data access for API consumers.
Developer productivity
For API producers
Build and evolve robust APIs on your domain quickly and with minimal effort.
Self-serve data
For API consumers
Discover, query, and join cross-domain data via one standardized, composable API.
Operational Efficiency
For API platform teams
Deliver reliability, scalability, governance, and security with low operating overhead.

A new chapter in data delivery

Hasura Data Delivery Network (DDN) – the next-generation supergraph platform – is now in beta!
For API Producers

Pain-free API development

Hasura slashes the time and effort it takes to set up a robust GraphQL API, and evolve and maintain the API as domain changes or new requirements are added.
Whether building a simple GraphQL API or a federated supergraph, Hasura streamlines every step of the API lifecycle, enabling you to ship better APIs faster and unlock your domain data’s value.
API Authoring
Domain to API in minutes

Connect Hasura to your domain using native connectors and voilà – Hasura instantly generates a fast, flexible, and standardized API on your domain! Customize as needed by easily adding business logic, transformation, and authorization.

Teaching strategies
“In greenfield projects, teams typically spend months crafting a fully featured API. With Hasura, we get this in seconds and can spend that saved time writing automated tests or implementing business logic.”
Kevin Chen, Software Engineer
LESS CODING, More Shipping.

Low-code, domain-driven APIs

Shift focus from writing boilerplate code and resolvers to modeling your domain. Get a rich, secure, standardized, and fast API for free.

Connect. Hasura introspects the domain and generates a richAPI based on the domain model. The domain-to-API mapping is captured in fully customizable metadata – a pseudo blueprint for your API.

Query. At runtime, the Hasura engine acts like a compiler that dynamically translates the GraphQL request into the most efficient and compact query in the “language” the upstream data sources understand.


We have a connector for that

With a rich ecosystem of open source native data connectors, and the ability to build your own, getting a powerful GraphQL API on your data, or adding your data into an existing supergraph is a step way.

Bring any data – no matter the source – directly into the GraphQL API. Get supergraphs without building GraphQL servers!


Granular access control

Configure role-based privileges down to the field level access directly in Hasura or populate from your existing authorization system to safely expose the API to developers inside or outside your organization.
typeName: article permissions: - role: admin output: allowedFields: - article_id - author_id - title - role: user output: allowedFields: - article_id - author_id
Rapid Iteration

Modern CI/CD that fits right into your flow.

Hasura fits right into your dev team’s existing flows and enables them to rapidly evolve your API – without fear.
Configure, don’t code.
Define the behavior of your GraphQL API declaratively in the Hasura metadata. Your design is your implementation, simplifying review and audits, and eliminating API drift.
Built for developers
Integrate Hasura into your existing automation and workflows through a robust CLI. Extensions for your favorite editor provide smart tooling (for eg. autocomplete) that simplifies metadata edits even further.
Fast and fearless iterations
Rapidly deploy changes as immutable builds that can be tested as a preview API. Any build can be instantly pushed “live” as the production API or rolled back – with zero downtime.
Never break an API ever again
Reduce wasted build-and-test cycles with pre-commit validation checks. Instantly know if your changes will break the supergraph.
Observability & Analytics

No blind spots

Stay ahead of issues and continually improve your API with detailed performance, tracing, and usage data
Observability: Monitor the end-to-end API trace for quick troubleshooting and resolution. Use native dashboard, or export OpenTelemetry-compliant data to your observability stack.
API analytics: Track usage patterns on fields, models, and queries to continually understand consumption behavior and improve your API.
For API Consumers

One incredible API for all your data.

Hasura generates a standardized API with incredible composability. This allows API consumers to discover, understand, and flexibly fetch only the data composition they need in a single go – no matter which domain the data comes from or how it’s stored.
Ship new products and features radically faster by removing data / API access and integration bottlenecks from the development lifecycle. A richer self-serve experience means less dependence on backend and platform teams.
Impossibly good composability
Query, join, filter, sort, and aggregate data across one or multiple domains in a single call. The result is unparalleled composability right at your fingertips.
query authorWithArticles { author { id name articles { id title } } }
For API Platform Teams

Continuity, ensured.

Hasura instantly deploys the GraphQL API on a global serverless runtime infrastructure. Get operational guarantees on reliability, performance, and scale, without the operational work.
Global edge network
A distributed multi-region runtime network with instant rerouting away from impacted regions.
Global low latency
Smart geo-routing
Every request is routed to the nearest Hasura runtime and the nearest database replica.
Rapid autoscaling
No cold start
Instantly scales out to quickly handle traffic spikes without a hiccup.
2024 Edition

The GraphQL Handbook

A GraphQL Handbook for developers and architects to help plan your GraphQL adoption journey.
The GraphQL Handbook

Ready to elevate your API game?