

The API platform your data deserves.

Enable your backend team to effortlessly deliver an incredible unified API on all your data. With unparalleled on-demand composability, performance, security, and reliability baked in, frontend teams are empowered to ship new experiences faster.

Why supergraph

A supergraph connects one or more data domains as a single semantic graph of entities and operations and makes it available behind a composable API. Hasura DDN is the best way to build and operate a supergraph!
Unblock teams with self-service access to data. No more backend bottlenecks.
No hard-coded and duplicative data integration layers or resolvers.
Standardized access from a single endpoint. Less figuring, more doing.

The most incredible API on all your data


Infinite compositions, at your fingertips

Simply specify how your domains and entities are related – no matter where they live – to get a unified API. Then fetch, filter, and aggregate any shape of data on demand across this semantic graph from a single endpoint.


Impossibly good composability

Hasura DDN excels at complex compositions like cross-domain joins, nested filtering, and sorting. These types of API features are notoriously challenging to code and optimize. With Hasura, you get these features out of the box.

The most incredible API on all your data

Blazing fast. Always.

Composability without speed is pointless. Hasura DDN does multiple layers of optimization to deliver the lowest latency.

The Hasura query planner and the data connectors work together to leverage the native database capabilities. The query execution plan also intelligently sequences, batches, and distributes a composite query to avoid common performance challenges like N+1.

Quote brand
"Basically, we’re seeing that it takes only about a tenth of the time to develop a new page in our application or a new component based on having adopted Hasura."
Blazing fast. Always.

Love at first byte for backend teams

Hasura DDN offers an API authoring experience that’s fast, simple, and developer-approved.

Config, not code

Rapidly author APIs on one (or many) sources with an intuitive and declarative domain-first modeling framework. Simply model your data domain, permissions, and relations via Hasura metadata to get a standardized API endpoint.

Boost productivity - Stop manually coding tedious resolvers, aggregation logic, and complex authorization.

Simplify compliance – With declarative metadata, your API design is your implementation, making auditing easy.

Config, not code

We have a connector for that

Adding new databases or data services into your API is a step away. With a rich ecosystem of open source native data connectors, and the ability to build your own, getting a powerful GraphQL or REST API on your data is easy.

Bring any data – no matter the source – directly into the supergraph without transforming it into a GraphQL service. Super, right?

See our connectors
Typescript (Deno) ConnectorGo ConnectorSendGrid Native Data Connector(Google Spanner) PostgreSQL Native Data ConnectorNodeJS Lambda ConnectorYugabyteDB PostgreSQLPostgreSQL Native Data ConnectorNeon PostgreSQLAzure Database for PostgreSQLGCP Cloud SQL PostgreSQLAWS Aurora PostgreSQLMongoDB ConnectorClickhouse Native Data ConnectorAzure Cosmos DB for NoSQL ConnectorSQL Server ConnectorCitus PostgreSQL(MotherDuck) DuckDB Native Data Connector(Turso) SQLite Native Data ConnectorElasticsearch Native Data ConnectorGraphQL Native Data ConnectorOpen API Lambda ConnectorCockroachDB PostgreSQLTimescale PostgreSQLOracle ConnectorSnowflake ConnectorMySQL ConnectorAlloyDB PostgreSQLAzure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL
Typescript (Deno) ConnectorGo ConnectorSendGrid Native Data Connector(Google Spanner) PostgreSQL Native Data ConnectorNodeJS Lambda ConnectorYugabyteDB PostgreSQLPostgreSQL Native Data ConnectorNeon PostgreSQLAzure Database for PostgreSQLGCP Cloud SQL PostgreSQLAWS Aurora PostgreSQLMongoDB ConnectorClickhouse Native Data ConnectorAzure Cosmos DB for NoSQL ConnectorSQL Server ConnectorCitus PostgreSQL(MotherDuck) DuckDB Native Data Connector(Turso) SQLite Native Data ConnectorElasticsearch Native Data ConnectorGraphQL Native Data ConnectorOpen API Lambda ConnectorCockroachDB PostgreSQLTimescale PostgreSQLOracle ConnectorSnowflake ConnectorMySQL ConnectorAlloyDB PostgreSQLAzure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL
Typescript (Deno) ConnectorGo ConnectorSendGrid Native Data Connector(Google Spanner) PostgreSQL Native Data ConnectorNodeJS Lambda ConnectorYugabyteDB PostgreSQLPostgreSQL Native Data ConnectorNeon PostgreSQLAzure Database for PostgreSQLGCP Cloud SQL PostgreSQLAWS Aurora PostgreSQLMongoDB ConnectorClickhouse Native Data ConnectorAzure Cosmos DB for NoSQL ConnectorSQL Server ConnectorCitus PostgreSQL(MotherDuck) DuckDB Native Data Connector(Turso) SQLite Native Data ConnectorElasticsearch Native Data ConnectorGraphQL Native Data ConnectorOpen API Lambda ConnectorCockroachDB PostgreSQLTimescale PostgreSQLOracle ConnectorSnowflake ConnectorMySQL ConnectorAlloyDB PostgreSQLAzure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL

Modern CI/CD that fits right into your flow

Hasura DDN fits right into your dev team’s existing flows and enables them to rapidly evolve your API – without fear.

Robust CLI and IDE extensions that enable code-driven workflows
Instant builds with zero downtime production deploys and rollbacks
Pre-commit validation to catch breaking changes early
Modern CI/CD that fits right into your flow

Fast, reliable, observable – at any scale

Hasura DDN instantly deploys your API on a global serverless runtime infrastructure. Get operational guarantees without the operational work.

Reliability and HA - Distributed multi-region edge network with instant rerouting away from impacted regions.

Global performance - Smart edge routing minimizes round trip between client → Hasura runtime → data replica.

Instant autoscaling - Sub-millisecond cold start – instantly scale out to quickly handle traffic spikes without a hiccup.

Deep observability - Accelerate debugging and reduce MTTR with deep end-to-end visibility down to database query.

Fast, reliable, observable – at any scale

Streamline collaboration across domain teams

With a federated governance model, Hasura DDN lets multiple domain teams build and evolve the supergraph collaboratively. Domain teams can move fast with autonomy and speed while being compliant with centralized governance norms.

Domain-level ownership model - Control which team can view/modify which components of the supergraph.

Multi-repo collaboration and iteration - Each team can independently evolve its subgraph, without breaking the supergraph.

Schema diff and registry - Confidently evolve the API, without impacting the consumers of the production API.

Streamline collaboration across domain teams
2024 Edition

The GraphQL Handbook

A GraphQL Handbook for developers and architects to help plan your GraphQL adoption journey.
The GraphQL Handbook

Ready to elevate your API game?