DDN CLI: Commands
The DDN CLI utilizes a typical command / flag syntax enabling you to quickly manage your supergraph. A typical command structure will follow this pattern:
ddn <command> <subcommand> <argument> --<flag> "<flag_value>"
A complete list of all CLI commands, including details and examples, can be found in the side navigation to the left under the Commands heading.
Getting help
You can use the --help
flag to get information on any command.
For example, running ddn --help
will return information on all available operations and flags:
DD __DD\ DD __DD\ NNN\ NN |
DD | DD | DD | DD | NNNN\ NN |
DD | DD | DD | DD | NN NN\NN |
DD | DD | DD | DD | NN \NNNN |
DD | DD | DD | DD | NN |\NNN |
\_______/ \_______/ \__| \__|
ddn [flags]
ddn [command]
DDN operations
project Manage Hasura DDN Project
Metadata operations
command Perform Command related operations
connector Perform Connector related operations
connector-link Perform DataConnectorLink related operations
model Perform Model related operations
relationship Perform Relationship related operations
subgraph Perform Subgraph related operations
supergraph Perform Supergraph related operations
Authentication operations
auth Manage Hasura DDN CLI Auth
Other operations
codemod Perform transformations on your Hasura project directory
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
console Open the DDN console
context Perform context operations
help Help about any command
plugins Manage plugins for the CLI
update-cli Update this CLI to the latest version or to a specific version
version Prints the CLI version
-h, --help help for ddn
--log-level string Log level. Can be DEBUG, WARN, INFO, ERROR, or FATAL. (default "INFO")
--no-prompt Do not prompt for required but missing flags
--out string Output format. Can be table, json or yaml. (default "table")
--timeout int Request timeout in seconds [env: HASURA_DDN_TIMEOUT] (default 100)
-v, --version Prints the CLI version
Use "ddn [command] --help" for more information about a command.