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Version: v3.x beta

Hasura DDN CLI: ddn ddn


$ ddn --help

DD __DD\ DD __DD\ NNN\ NN |
DD | DD | DD | DD | NNNN\ NN |
DD | DD | DD | DD | NN NN\NN |
DD | DD | DD | DD | NN \NNNN |
DD | DD | DD | DD | NN |\NNN |
\_______/ \_______/ \__| \__|

ddn [command]

DDN commands
apply Apply a resource to its Project on Hasura DDN
build Build SupergraphManifest or ConnectorManifest
create Create a new resource on Hasura DDN
delete Delete a resource from Hasura DDN
get List resources or get details of a specific resource from Hasura DDN
logs Show logs of a connector

Metadata commands
add Add objects to the local metadata
dev Iterate on the API in development mode
update Update objects in the local metadata

CLI auth commands
login Login to DDN
logout Logout from DDN

Other commands
help Help about any command
plugins Manage plugins for the CLI
update-cli Update this CLI to the latest version or to a specific version
version Prints the CLI version

--dir string DDN Project directory in which hasura.yaml is present (default ".")
-h, --help help for ddn
--log-level string Log level. Can be DEBUG, WARN, INFO, ERROR, or FATAL. (default "INFO")
--no-prompt Do not prompt for required but missing flags
--out string Output format. Can be table, json or yaml. (default "table")
-p, --project string DDN Project name
--supergraph-manifest string SupergraphManifest to use

Use "ddn [command] --help" for more information about a command.