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Version: v3.x (DDN)

DDN CLI: ddn connector build logs

Get logs of a ConnectorBuild from Hasura DDN.


Get logs of a ConnectorBuild from Hasura DDN

ddn connector build logs <connector-build-id> [flags]


# Get running deploy logs
ddn connector build logs <connector-build-id>

# Get running deploy logs and keep following
ddn connector build logs <connector-build-id> --follow

# Get running deploy logs and keep following since a specified time duration
ddn connector build logs <connector-build-id> --follow --since 10m

# Get build logs of a ConnectorBuild
ddn connector build logs <connector-build-id> --build


    --build          Specifies whether to show the build logs. (default: false)
--follow Specifies whether to continuously follow the deployment logs. (default: false)
-h, --help help for logs
--since string Specifies the starting time for log retrieval. Can be in ISO format (e.g. 2024-03-26T11:05:15Z) or a duration (e.g. 5m for 5 minutes ago). (By default, prints the entire available logs).

Options inherited from parent operations

--log-level string   Log level. Can be DEBUG, WARN, INFO, ERROR, or FATAL. (default "INFO")
--no-prompt Do not prompt for required but missing flags
--out string Output format. Can be table, json or yaml. (default "table")
--timeout int Request timeout in seconds [env: HASURA_DDN_TIMEOUT] (default 100)

Parent operation