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Version: v3.x

Getting Started


Let's build an API.

In this guide we'll walk through using Hasura DDN.

You're likely going to be introduced to new terminology, tools and concepts in the next few pages. Don't worry, they will quickly become second nature to you.

Local dev, verbose CLI, and using your own data

In this section we'll guide you through the process of building an API locally and thereafter, deploy it to Hasura DDN cloud.

You'll also notice the frequent use of verbose, explicit CLI commands throughout this section. This is by design. The DDN CLI is crafted to perform tasks atomically, enabling you to achieve specific outcomes efficiently while enabling further convenience and automation in later versions, and for users to add it for themselves.

We also recommend that you use your own data sources to effectively grok the concepts we're covering. However, when connecting a data source, we'll include some sample data source connection strings for you.

Get started by installing the prerequisites.
