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Hasura Feature Names

  • Hasura feature names should all use Title Case.
  • Concepts and common industry terms, such as "data federation", "authentication, "mutations", "connection pools", "builds", and "metadata" are not features and don't need to be capitalized.
  • If the name is written without the "Hasura" prefix it still needs to have a cap.
  • An extensive, but continually evolving, list of feature names is below:
    • Hasura CLI
    • Hasura Cloud
    • Hasura Console
    • Hasura Enterprise
    • Hasura GraphQL API Explorer
    • Hasura GraphQL Engine
    • Hasura Community Edition
    • Hasura OSS
  • Always capitalize and use the full name for 3rd party products appropriately. E.g., PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server, BigQuery.
  • When referring to the Open Domain Data Specification, use the full name on first reference, and then use "Open DD Spec" on subsequent references.
  • When referring to the Data Delivery Network, use the full name on first reference, and then use "DDN" on subsequent references.