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Version: v2.x

Get Started with Hasura Cloud and Amazon Athena


Step 1: Create an account on Hasura Cloud and create a new Hasura Project

Navigate to, and create a new Hasura Cloud account.

Once you create a project on Hasura Cloud, hit the "Launch Console" button to open the Hasura Console for your project.

Connect new or existing database

Step 2: Add your Amazon Athena database as a source to Hasura

Head to the Data > Manage databases section on the Console to add your Amazon Athena database as a source to Hasura.

Make sure your Amazon Athena service is reachable by Hasura Cloud:
  1. Allow public connections or allowlist the Hasura Cloud IP on your Amazon Athena firewall: This is good for testing and will allow you to quickly try Hasura out with your database!
  2. VPC peering: VPC peering and private network access is available on Hasura Cloud paid tiers: Recommended for production. Get in touch with us if you'd like to try this out against your existing databases!

Now begin by clicking "Connect Database":

Manage databases

Next, choose the athena (Beta) driver:

Adding the Amazon Athena service

Finally, enter your Amazon Athena database URL and database schema:

Setting the Amazon Athena connection details.

Once you add the Amazon Athena service, you'll see it listed as an available database on the sidebar.

Step 3: Track existing tables

To query against your Amazon Athena service using Hasura, you'll need to have existing tables to select. Those tables will appear under the database as shown.

Tracking tables.

Track tables selectively or all so that Hasura can introspect the tables and create the corresponding GraphQL schema. Once you've selected the tables you'd like to track, click "Track Selected" to finish setup:

Tracking tables selected.

Step 4: Try out a GraphQL query

Head to the API tab in the Console and try running a GraphQL query! Use the explorer sidebar on GraphQL to get help in creating a GraphQL query.

Try a GraphQL query

Keep up to date


Currently, Hasura supports read-only queries, subscriptions, relationships, and permissions on Amazon Athena.

If you'd like to stay informed about the status of Amazon Athena support, subscribe to our newsletter and join our discord!