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Version: v2.x

Update a Product Description to Improve SEO using AI


Event Triggers allow you to react to changes in your database automatically and asynchronously by calling a webhook.

In this guide, we'll show how to use Event Triggers to react to a product insert operation created by sending a request to the OpenAI ChatGPT API with a request to improve the product's description for SEO purposes.

In this recipe, we'll be overwriting the description field of the product with the improved description returned by the ChatGPT API. In reality, you would likely not want to overwrite the field but instead, store the improved version in another column in the database for human review.


This quickstart/recipe is dependent upon the docs e-commerce sample app. If you haven't already deployed the sample app, you can do so with one click below. If you've already deployed the sample app, simply use your existing project.

Deploy to Hasura Cloud


Before getting started, ensure that you have the docs e-commerce sample app deployed to Hasura Cloud.

Tunneling your webhook endpoint from your local machine

If you plan on using a webhook endpoint hosted on your own machine, ensure that you have a tunneling service such as ngrok set up so that your Cloud Project can communicate with your local machine.

Our model

When designing a system such as this, there are at least three components to consider:

  • Which table's changes will initiate the Event Trigger?
  • Which operation(s) on that table will initiate the Event Trigger?
  • What should my webhook do with the data it receives?

In this example, we'll be using the products table and the insert operation to trigger the Event Trigger. The webhook will call the OpenAI ChatGPT API with a custom prompt and the description data to get an improved version of the description. Finally, the webhook will update the product table with the improved description.

Step 1: Create the Event Trigger

Go to your Hasura Console and click the Events tab. You should automatically be on the Event Triggers item in the sidebar.

Click Create.

Click Create

Step 2: Configure the Event Trigger

First, provide a name for your trigger, for example: product_description_ai_seo.

Select the database, schema, table, and table operation that you want to trigger the event. In this example, we'll use the default database, the public schema, the products table and set the trigger to fire on the Insert operation.

Create Hasura Event Trigger

Enter a webhook URL that will be called when a new product is inserted into this table. This URL will point to the logic we're going to implement later:

Create Hasura Event Trigger
Tunneling your webhook endpoint to your local machine

You'll need to use a tunneling service such as ngrok to expose a webhook endpoint running on your local machine to the internet and Hasura Cloud. This will give you a public URL that will forward requests to your local machine and the server which we'll configure below.

You'll need to modify your webhook URL to use the public URL provided by ngrok.

After installing ngrok and authenticating, you can do this by running:

ngrok http 4000

Then, copy the Forwarding value for use in our webhook 🎉

Under Advanced Settings, we can configure the headers that will be sent with the request. We'll add an authentication header to prevent abuse of the endpoint and ensure that only Hasura can trigger the event. Set the Key as secret-authorization-string and the Value as super_secret_string_123.

Hasura Scheduled Trigger architecture
Secrets as environment variables

For simplicity in this example we've used a string literal for the value of the authorization header. In production, you should always use an environment variable to store secrets. This prevents your secrets from being exposed in your codebase and will also allow you to change the value without having to update the Event Trigger.

Leave Auto-cleanup Event Logs and Configure REST Connectors as they are. In production these settings are useful and are covered in their respective places in docs.

Finally, click the "Create Event Trigger" button to create the trigger.

Step 3: Implement the Webhook

Your webhook can be a simple HTTP server that performs the desired tasks. It could be written in any programming language or framework you prefer. The webhook needs to do three main things when triggered:

  1. Parse the request body to get the id and description data from the product table insert operation that Hasura sends.
  2. Call the OpenAI ChatGPT API with a custom prompt and the description data to get an improved version of the description.
  3. Update the product table with the improved description.

Here's an example implementation using Node.js and Express:

Let's create a script to do it:

In a new directory run the following to create a new package.json file:

npm init -y

Install the dependencies for the server:

npm install openai express

Create an index.js file in the root of the folder and paste in the code below:

const express = require('express');
const OpenAI = require('openai');

// Constants for server and external service configurations
const PORT = 4000;

// Set up the express server instance
const app = express();

// Middleware to parse incoming JSON and URL-encoded bodies
app.use(express.json()); // to support JSON-encoded bodies
app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: true }));

// Initialize OpenAI client with the provided API key
const openai = new OpenAI({
apiKey: OPEN_AI_KEY,

* Function to improve the original product description for SEO using OpenAI.
* @param {string} originalDescription - The original product description.
* @return {string} The improved description for SEO.
async function improveDescription(originalDescription) {
const completion = await{
messages: [
role: 'user',
content: `You are an SEO expert who works on an e-commerce website. Your task is to take the following product description and improve it for SEO purposes, making it more likely to rank highly in search engines and lead to increased visitor traffic and purchases. Only respond with the improved description and nothing else. If there is nothing to improve then respond with the original content. The product description to improve for SEO is as follows: ${originalDescription}`,
model: 'gpt-3.5-turbo',

return completion.choices[0].message.content;

* Function to update the product description in Hasura.
* @param {string} productId - The unique ID of the product.
* @param {string} improvedDescription - The improved product description.
* @return {string} The product ID of the updated product.
async function updateProductDescription(productId, improvedDescription) {
// Send a POST request to Hasura's GraphQL endpoint to update the product description
const response = await fetch(HASURA_GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'x-hasura-admin-secret': HASURA_ADMIN_SECRET,
body: JSON.stringify({
query: `
mutation UpdateProduct($id: uuid!, $description: String) {
update_products_by_pk(pk_columns: {id: $id}, _set: {description: $description}) {
variables: {
id: productId,
description: improvedDescription,

const { data } = await response.json();

// API endpoint to improve and update product descriptions using AI'/product-description-ai-seo', async (req, res, next) => {
try {
// Check for the custom authorization header for security
const authHeader = req.headers['secret-authorization-string'];
if (authHeader !== 'super_secret_string_123') {
return res.status(401).json({ message: 'Unauthorized' });

// Extract description and id from the incoming request
const { description, id } = req.body?.event?.data?.new;

console.log(`Description: ${description}\n`);

// Ensure both description and id are present
if (!description || !id) {
console.log('Bad request: no description or id\n');
return res.status(400).json({ message: 'Bad request' });

// Get the improved description from OpenAI
const improvedDescription = await improveDescription(description);
console.log(`Improved description: ${improvedDescription}\n`);

// Update the product description in Hasura
await updateProductDescription(id, improvedDescription);

// Return a success response
return res.status(200).json({ message: 'Success' });
} catch (error) {
// Handle any errors
next(error); // Forward error to centralized error handling

// Centralized error handling
app.use((err, req, res, next) => {
res.status(500).json({ message: 'Internal server error' });

// Start the server on the specified port
app.listen(PORT, () => {
console.log(`Server started on port ${PORT}\n`);

Step 4: Test your Setup

Now that your Event Trigger and webhook are set up, you can test it by simulating a new product being added.

Run your server with node index.js and go to the Hasura Console and click the Data tab. From there, in the left navigation, click the public schema of the default database. Then, click the products table.

For this example let's create a new product by cloning an existing one so that we don't have to worry about getting the correct ids for the foreign key relationships.

Click the clone button on the row for the "Monogram Baseball Cap" product.

Create Hasura Event Trigger

You will be presented with a form to enter the details of the new product. For id, created_at and updated_at click the "default" radio button so that those fields take on their default values in the new row.

For the name field, enter a new name for the product, for example: "Monogram Baseball Cap 2". Then you can use this dummy description, which has awful SEO and is ripe for improvement:

Baseball Cap  This is a cap. It's a hat you can wear. It's made of some material. You can wear it on your head. It has
some design on it. It might fit you. It has a thing on the back to make it fit better. It's good for sunny days or any
days. You can wear it with clothes. It's a good cap. Buy this cap. It's a nice cap. Good cap for sale. Best cap online.
Buy cap now. Note: This hat is a hat. Clean it sometimes. Don't lose it. It's a good hat. Buy hat
Create Hasura Event Trigger

Click "Save" and then switch to your terminal to see the logs of the script. You should see the following:

Click here to see an example of the console log of the webhook.
Server started on port 4000

Description: Baseball Cap This is a cap. It's a hat you can wear. It's made of some material. You can wear it on your
head. It has some design on it. It might fit you. It has a thing on the back to make it fit better. It's good for
sunny days or any days. You can wear it with clothes. It's a good cap. Buy this cap. It's a nice cap. Good cap for
sale. Best cap online. Buy cap now. Note: This hat is a hat. Clean it sometimes. Don't lose it. It's a good hat. Buy

Improved description: Shop our Baseball Cap, the perfect addition to your wardrobe. Made from high-quality materials,
this cap offers both style and comfort. Its unique design adds a trendy touch to any outfit. With an adjustable strap
on the back, you can ensure a perfect fit every time you wear it. Whether it's a sunny day or any other day, this cap
is a must-have accessory. Pair it with any outfit for a stylish look. Don't miss out on this opportunity to own a
top-notch cap. Add it to your cart now and enjoy the benefits of owning a high-quality cap. Keep this hat clean and
secure to ensure its longevity. Invest in this exceptional hat today.


You can confirm that everything worked by clicking back to the products table in the Hasura Console and viewing the new saved description of the product.


In this guide, we've shown how to use Hasura Event Triggers to automate a useful task of increasing the SEO score of a piece of text, which is common for an e-commerce application, by using a powerful API. This can be a useful strategy drive conversion and revenue in e-commerce applications and the idea can be adapted for a wide range of other tasks.