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Version: v2.x

Hasura CLI: hasura console

Open the Console to manage the database and try out APIs.


This command will start a web server to serve the Hasura Console for the GraphQL Engine. You can use this to manage the database, build queries, and try out APIs. The Console is served at http://localhost:9695 by default. You can change the port using the --console-port flag and further configure the command by including other available flags.

hasura console [flags]


# Start console:
hasura console

# Start console on a different address and ports:
hasura console --address --console-port 8080 --api-port 8081

# Start console without opening the browser automatically
hasura console --no-browser

# Use with admin secret:
hasura console --admin-secret "<admin-secret>"

# Connect to an instance specified by the flag, overrides the one mentioned in config.yaml:
hasura console --endpoint "<endpoint>"

# Connect to HGE instance running in a container when running CLI inside another container:
hasura console --endpoint <container network endpoint, like: http://host.docker.internal:8080> --no-browser --address --console-hge-endpoint


    --address string                 address to serve console and migration API from (default "localhost")
--admin-secret string admin secret for Hasura GraphQL Engine (env "HASURA_GRAPHQL_ADMIN_SECRET")
--api-host string (PREVIEW: usage may change in future) host serving migrate api (default "http://localhost")
--api-port string port for serving migrate api (default "9693")
--browser string open console in a specific browser
--certificate-authority string path to a cert file for the certificate authority (env "HASURA_GRAPHQL_CERTIFICATE_AUTHORITY")
--console-hge-endpoint string endpoint on which the CLI Console should reach the HGE Server
--console-port string port for serving console (default "9695")
--endpoint string http(s) endpoint for Hasura GraphQL Engine (env "HASURA_GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT")
-h, --help help for console
--insecure-skip-tls-verify skip TLS verification and disable cert checking (default: false) (env "HASURA_GRAPHQL_INSECURE_SKIP_TLS_VERIFY")
--no-browser do not automatically open console in browser
--static-dir string directory where static assets mentioned in the console html template can be served from
--use-server-assets when rendering console, use assets provided by HGE server

Options inherited from parent commands

--envfile string      .env filename to load ENV vars from (default ".env")
--log-level string log level (DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL) (default "INFO")
--no-color do not colorize output (default: false)
--project string directory where commands are executed (default: current dir)
--skip-update-check skip automatic update check on command execution


  • hasura - Hasura GraphQL Engine command line tool

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