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Version: v2.x



The Hasura CLI utilizes a typical command / flag syntax enabling you to quickly manage your Hasura instance. A typical command structure will follow this pattern:

hasura <command> <subcommand> --<optional_flag> "<optional_flag_value>"

A real-world example following this structure would be:

hasura migrate apply --admin-secret "<admin-secret>"

This snippet illustrates the migrate command used in conjunction with the apply subcommand, the admin-secret flag, and the value of the admin-secret.

Getting help

At any time, you can use the --help flag on either the CLI itself or specific to a certain command. Running hasura --help will return information on available commands and flags:

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hasura [flags]
hasura [command]

Available Commands:
actions Manage Hasura actions
completion Generate auto completion code
console Open the console to manage the database and try out APIs
deploy (PREVIEW) Utility command to apply metadata & database migrations to graphql-engine
help Help about any command
init Initialize a directory for Hasura GraphQL Engine migrations
metadata Manage Hasura GraphQL Engine metadata saved in the database
migrate Manage migrations on the database
plugins Manage plugins for the CLI
scripts Execute helper scripts to manage Hasura Projects
seed Manage seed data
update-cli Update the CLI to latest or a specific version
version Print the CLI version

--envfile string .env filename to load ENV vars from (default ".env")
-h, --help help for hasura
--log-level string log level (DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL) (default "INFO")
--no-color do not colorize output (default: false)
--project string directory where commands are executed (default: current dir)
--skip-update-check skip automatic update check on command execution

Use "hasura [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Whereas running hasura actions --help will return commands and flags specific to the actions category of commands:

Manage Hasura actions

hasura actions [command]

Available Commands:
codegen Generate code for actions
create Create a Hasura action
use-codegen Use the codegen to generate code for Hasura actions

--admin-secret string admin secret for Hasura GraphQL Engine (env "HASURA_GRAPHQL_ADMIN_SECRET")
--certificate-authority string path to a cert file for the certificate authority (env "HASURA_GRAPHQL_CERTIFICATE_AUTHORITY")
--endpoint string http(s) endpoint for Hasura GraphQL Engine (env "HASURA_GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT")
-h, --help help for actions
--insecure-skip-tls-verify skip TLS verification and disable cert checking (default: false) (env "HASURA_GRAPHQL_INSECURE_SKIP_TLS_VERIFY")

Global Flags:
--envfile string .env filename to load ENV vars from (default ".env")
--log-level string log level (DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL) (default "INFO")
--no-color do not colorize output (default: false)
--project string directory where commands are executed (default: current dir)
--skip-update-check skip automatic update check on command execution

Use "hasura actions [command] --help" for more information about a command.

A complete list of all CLI commands, including details and examples, can be found in the side navigation to the left under the Commands heading.