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MS SQL Server: Insert Mutation

Auto-generated insert mutation schema

For example, the auto-generated schema for the insert mutation field for a table article looks like the following:

insert_article (
objects: [article_insert_input!]!
if_matched: article_if_matched
): article_mutation_response

# response of any mutation on the table "article"
type article_mutation_response {
# number of affected rows by the mutation
affected_rows: Int!
# data of the affected rows by the mutation
returning: [article!]!

# single object insert
insert_article_one (
object: article_insert_input!
if_matched: article_if_matched
): article

As you can see from the schema:

  • objects argument is mandatory and you can pass multiple objects to the mutation.
  • You can pass an if_matched argument to convert the mutation to an upsert mutation.
  • You can return the number of affected rows and the affected objects (with nested objects) in the response.
  • You can use the single object insert to get the inserted object directly as the mutation response.

If a table is not in the dbo MS SQL Server schema, the insert mutation field will be of the format insert_<schema_name>_<table_name>.

Insert a single object

Example: Insert a new article object and return the inserted article object in the response:

Query Variables
Request Headers
Documentation Explorer
No Schema Available

Using variables:

Query Variables
Request Headers
Documentation Explorer
No Schema Available

The insert_<object>_one mutation will only be available if you have select permissions on the table, as it returns the inserted row.

Insert multiple objects of the same type in the same mutation

Example: Insert 2 new article objects and return both the article objects in the response:

Query Variables
Request Headers
Documentation Explorer
No Schema Available

Using variables:

Query Variables
Request Headers
Documentation Explorer
No Schema Available

Insert an object and get a nested object in response

Example: Insert a new article object and return the inserted article object with its author in the response:

Query Variables
Request Headers
Documentation Explorer
No Schema Available

Set a field to its default value during insert

To set a field to its default value, just omit it from the input object, irrespective of the default value configuration i.e. via MS SQL Server defaults or using column presets.

Example: If the default value of id is set to auto-incrementing integer, there's no need to pass the id field to the input object:

Query Variables
Request Headers
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No Schema Available

Set a field to NULL during insert

If a field is nullable in the database, to set its value to null, either pass its value as null or just omit it from the input object.

Example: If age is a nullable field, to set it to null, either don't pass the age field to the input object or pass it as null:

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Request Headers
Documentation Explorer
No Schema Available


Query Variables
Request Headers
Documentation Explorer
No Schema Available