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Version: v3.x



Hasura is designed to integrate with any JWT provider, including auth servers you've built yourself. However, there are some provider-specific caveats to consider for those listed below.


This page of the Firebase docs mentions that JWKs are published under:[email protected]

Generate your JWT Config easily

You can generate your JWT config for Firebase and Hasura here using our handy tool.

The config generated from this page can be directly pasted in yaml files and command line arguments as it takes care of escaping new lines.


Auth0 publishes their JWK under:


Generate your JWT Config easily

You can generate your JWT config for Auth0 and Hasura here using our handy tool.

The config generated from this page can be directly pasted in yaml files and command line arguments as it takes care of escaping new lines.


Clerk integrates with Hasura GraphQL Engine using JWTs.

Clerk publishes their JWK under: https://<YOUR_CLERK_FRONTEND_API>/.well-known/jwks.json

Refer to the Clerk authentication guide to set up authenticated requests to Hasura with Clerk.
