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Version: v3.x (DDN)

JWT Mode


JWT mode requires that the client making the query sends a valid JSON Web Token to the Hasura Engine endpoint. This JWT is provided by an auth service such as Auth0, AWS Cognito, Firebase, Clerk, or your own custom solution.

Hasura then verifies and decodes the JWT to extract x-hasura-* session variable claim values from a defined namespace in the token.

The x-hasura-default-role and x-hasura-allowed-roles session variables are required, and you will also most likely utilize the user id and any other information which you need to determine access to your data.

The token can be passed in the header of the request in a dedicated key, or using the Authorization header with the Bearer prefix, or as a cookie. All these options are defined in the AuthConfig object in your metadata.

Authentication using JWT

Session variable requirements

Session variables passed via JWT or webhook can contain any information you want, but must at least contain an x-hasura-default-role property and x-hasura-allowed-roles array.

An x-hasura-role value can optionally be sent as a plain header in the request to indicate the role which should be used. If this is not provided, the engine will use the x-hasura-default-role value in the JWT.

To clarify, the x-hasura-role header is optional and can be used to override the default role in the JWT allowing the same verified JWT to be used for different roles.

Only keys prefixed with x-hasura- will be accessible by the engine.

Session variable keys are case-insensitive. Values are case-sensitive.

Enabling JWT authentication

You can enable your Hasura DDN instance to use JWTs in just a few steps.

Step 1. Update your AuthConfig

Hasura utilizes an AuthConfig object that allows you to define the configuration for your authentication service. In a standard setup the auth-config.hml file can be found in your globals directory.

Hasura DDN VS Code extension

You can use Hasura's VS Code extension to scaffold out your AuthConfig object by typing AuthConfig and selecting this object from the list of available options. As you navigate through the skeleton, you can type CTRL+SPACEBAR at any point to reveal options for the different key-value pairs.

Below, we're showing using the BearerAuthorization header location format using a fixed secret key from an environment variable. However, Hasura DDN supports other methods for where the engine can locate the JWT and how it is verified.

kind: AuthConfig
version: v3
claimsFormat: Json
location: /
type: BearerAuthorization
algorithm: HS256
valueFromEnv: AUTH_SECRET

Read more about other setup options here.

Step 2. Define the JWT with custom claims

Your auth service should include an object with a key of in the JWT. Within this, each claim should be prefixed with x-hasura-* and include the relevant information. Note that an extra optional x-hasura-role header can be passed to override the default role found in the JWT's custom claims.

x-hasura-default-roleYesThe role that will be used when the optional x-hasura-role header is not passed
x-hasura-allowed-rolesYesA list of allowed roles for the user making the request.
x-hasura-[custom]NoWhere [custom] is any string you wish (e.g., org, user-id, customer). The value can be any JSON value.

In the simple example below, we're including the required claims by stating the default role is admin and the list of available roles is limited to user and admin. Additionally, we're passing a custom key of x-hasura-user-id which can be used with permissions when executing queries. Read more about the default claims here.

Example JWT payload
"iat": 1735916718,
"exp": 1796916677,
"": {
"x-hasura-default-role": "admin",
"x-hasura-allowed-roles": ["user", "admin"],
"x-hasura-user-id": 1234

Your auth service will encode this object using a secret and create a token which can then be passed to Hasura. You can see an example of the above token encoded here. The signature secret to verify this token with the HS256 algorithm is ultra-secret-very-secret-super-secret-key.

Setting audience check

Certain JWT providers (like Firebase) share JWKs between multiple tenants. They use the aud claim of JWT to specify the intended tenant for the JWT. Setting the audience field in the Hasura JWT configuration will make sure that the aud claim from the JWT is also checked during verification. Not doing this check will allow JWTs issued for other tenants to be valid as well.

In these cases, you MUST set the audience field to appropriate value. Failing to do so is a major security vulnerability. Learn how to set this here.

Step 3. Add permissions to an object in your supergraph

Let's add some example TypePermissions so that an admin role can access all fields in the Orders type, but we restrict a user role from accessing the deliveryDate field.

Example TypePermissions for Orders type
kind: TypePermissions
version: v1
typeName: Orders
- role: admin
- createdAt
- deliveryDate
- id
- isReviewed
- productId
- status
- updatedAt
- userId
- role: user
- createdAt
- id
- isReviewed
- productId
- status
- updatedAt
- userId

Let's also add some example ModelPermissions so that an admin role can access all rows in the Orders model, but a user role can only access rows where the userId field matches the user id session variable in the JWT.

Example ModelPermissions for Orders model
kind: ModelPermissions
version: v1
modelName: Orders
- role: admin
filter: null
allowSubscriptions: true
- role: user
field: userId
operator: _eq
sessionVariable: x-hasura-user-id
Example JWT payload

For these examples we'll set the payload of the JWT to specify a user role and a UUID for the user id.

Example JWT payload which we will send to the Hasura Engine
"iat": 1735916718,
"exp": 1796916677,
"": {
"x-hasura-default-role": "user",
"x-hasura-allowed-roles": ["user"],
"x-hasura-user-id": "7cf0a66c-65b7-11ed-b904-fb49f034fbbb"

Step 4. Rebuild your supergraph

Once you've updated your AuthConfig object in auth-config.hml and updated your claims, you can rebuild your supergraph and test it locally.

For example, from the root of your project, run:
ddn supergraph build local

Step 5. Make an authenticated request

In the example above, we're using the BearerAuthorization method. As such, as we can make a request to our Hasura DDN instance by including a header with the key-value of Authorization: Bearer <our-encoded-token>. For testing, you can pass this value in the Hasura DDN console's header section.

Hasura console authentication using JWT

If we run a query for Orders, we can see that we only get the orders which this user has made and are not able to access the deliveryDate field.

Hasura console query permissions results using JWT

Step 6. Set your API to public

Now that you have implemented JWT authentication, you can set your API to public. See here for more information on setting your API to public.

Next steps

If you're looking for step-by-step help to get started with common authentication providers, check this section of tutorials.