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Version: v3.x

The Query Function

Let's modify our query function to log out the request it receives, and this will give us a goal to work towards.

async function query(configuration: Configuration, state: State, request: QueryRequest): Promise<QueryResponse> {
console.log(JSON.stringify(request, null, 2));
throw new Error("Function not implemented.");

Let's run the tests again. In the ndc-test directory:

rm -rf snapshots
ndc-test test --endpoint --snapshots-dir snapshots


cargo run --bin ndc-test -- test --endpoint http://localhost:8080 --snapshots-dir snapshots

In the logs of the running app, we can see the request that was sent. It identifies the name of the collection, and a query object to run. The query has a list of fields to retrieve, and a limit of 10 rows. With this as a guide, we can start to implement our query function in the next section.

"collection": "artists",
"query": {
"fields": {
"id": {
"type": "column",
"column": "id",
"fields": null
"name": {
"type": "column",
"column": "name",
"fields": null
"limit": 10
"arguments": {},
"collection_relationships": {}

The query function is going to delegate to a function called fetch_rows, but only when rows are requested, which is indicated by the presence of the query fields property. Let's do that:

async function query(configuration: Configuration, state: State, request: QueryRequest): Promise<QueryResponse> {
console.log(JSON.stringify(request, null, 2));
const rows = request.query.fields && (await fetch_rows(state, request));
return [{ rows }];

Later, we'll also implement aggregates here.

Let's also define the fetch_rows function in our file which the query function is delegating to:

async function fetch_rows(
state: State,
request: QueryRequest,
): Promise<
[k: string]: RowFieldValue;
> {
const fields = [];

for (const fieldName in request.query.fields) {
if (, fieldName)) {
const field = request.query.fields[fieldName];
switch (field.type) {
case "column":
fields.push(`${field.column} AS ${fieldName}`);
case "relationship":
throw new Error("Relationships are not supported");

if (request.query.order_by != null) {
throw new NotSupported("Sorting is not supported");

const limit_clause = request.query.limit == null ? "" : `LIMIT ${request.query.limit}`;
const offset_clause = request.query.offset == null ? "" : `OFFSET ${request.query.offset}`;

const sql = `SELECT ${fields.length ? fields.join(", ") : "1 AS __empty"} FROM ${
} ${limit_clause} ${offset_clause}`;

console.log(JSON.stringify({ sql }, null, 2));

const rows = await state.db.all(sql, {});

return => {
delete row.__empty;
return row;

This function breaks down the request that we saw earlier and produces SQL with a basic shape. Here is what fetch_rows does:

  1. It initializes an empty array fields to store the fields that will be selected in the SQL query.

  2. It iterates over the fields property of the request.query object. Each field represents a column in the database table that needs to be fetched.

  3. For each field, it checks the type of the field. If the type is 'column', it adds the column name to the fields array. If the type is 'relationship', it throws an error because relationships are not supported in this context.

  4. It checks if the request.query.order_by is not null. If it is not null, it throws an error because sorting is not supported.

  5. It generates the LIMIT and OFFSET clauses for the SQL query based on the request.query.limit and request.query.offset values.

  6. It constructs the SQL query string using the fields array, the collection name (which corresponds to the table name in the database), and the LIMIT and OFFSET clauses.

  7. It logs the constructed SQL query.

  8. Finally, it executes the SQL query on the database and returns the result. The database connection is accessed through the db object in the state.

Notice that we don't fetch more data than we need, either in terms of rows or columns. That's the benefit of connectors - we get to push down the query execution to the data sources themselves.

Test again

Now let's see it work in the test runner. We'll rebuild and restart the connector, and run the tests again.

├ Query ...
│ ├ albums ...
│ │ ├ Simple queries ...
│ │ │ ├ Select top N ... OK
│ │ │ ├ Predicates ... OK
│ │ │ ├ Sorting ... FAIL
│ ├ artists ...
│ │ ├ Simple queries ...
│ │ │ ├ Select top N ... OK
│ │ │ ├ Predicates ... OK
│ │ │ ├ Sorting ... FAIL

Of course, we still see some tests fail, but now we've made some progress because the most basic tests are passing.

We can get the test runner to write these expectations out as snapshot files to disk by adding the --snapshots-dir argument.

ndc-test test --endpoint --snapshots-dir snapshots


cargo run --bin ndc-test -- test --endpoint http://localhost:8100 --snapshots-dir snapshots

Here we can build up a library of query requests and expected responses that can be replayed in order to make sure that our connector continues to exhibit the same behavior over time.

Finally, let's see what this connector looks like when we add it to our Hasura graph, let's check that out in the next section.
