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Version: v3.x (DDN)

Connect to a source


This guide explains how to initialize a connector, configure its environment variables, and link it to your data source. Once initialized, you'll be ready to introspect the source and integrate it into your API.

You'll need a project before initializing a connector.

Step 1. Initialize a connector

Regardless which connector you're using, you'll always begin by initializing it with a unique name:

Initialize a new connector in a project directory:
ddn connector init <your_name_for_the_connector> -i

A wizard will appear with a dropdown list. If you know the name of the connector, start typing the name. Otherwise, use the arrows to scroll through the list. Hit ENTER when you've selected your desired connector; you'll then be prompted to enter some values.


You can customize which subgraph this connector is added to by changing your project's context or using flags. More information can be found in the CLI docs for the ddn connector init command.

Step 2. Add environment variables

The CLI will assign a random port for the connector to use during local development. You can hit ENTER to accept the suggested value or enter your own. Then, depending on your connector, there may be a set of environment variables that it requires:

CONNECTION_STRINGhttps://host:8123The HTTP(S) connection string to the ClickHouse instance.
USERNAMEdefaultThe database username.
PASSWORDdefaultThe database password.

If your data source requires a connection string or endpoint, the CLI will confirm that it successfully tested the connection to your source. Additionally, it generates configuration files, which you can find in the connector directory of the subgraph where you added the connector (default: app). Finally, the CLI will create a DataConnectorLink in your connector's metadata directory.

Next steps

Now that you've initialized a connector and connected it to your data, you're ready to introspect the source and populate the configuration files with source-specific information that Hasura will need to build your API. Check out the introspection page to learn more.