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Version: v3.x (DDN)

Deploy a Connector

What's about to happen?

Hasura DDN will host your deployed connectors for you, ensuring rapid delivery of data from your API to your consumers.

For each PostgreSQL connector in a project, follow the steps below.

Deploy a connector to Hasura DDN



Step 1. Update the root

We need to update the root file with the connection URI we need for the cloud hosted connector to be able to communicate with the PostgreSQL data source.

For example, you may have used a development database while iterating locally. You can now replace that value with your staging or production database, depending on your needs.

If you've been running a local PostgreSQL instance, you can replace the connection string with a cloud instance connection string or set up an ngrok tunnel to a local instance.

For example, ./

Step 2. Build and deploy your cloud connector

At this stage, you can now build and deploy your connector on Hasura DDN. Simply run the following replacing the directory names with those that reflect your project.

Taking care to update the path to your connector's configuration file, run:
ddn connector build create --connector ./my_subgraph/connector/my_pg/connector.yaml

The CLI will respond with read and write URLs for your deployed connector.

In this command we're passing the --connector argument, which specifies the path to the connector's configuration file which we want to build.

What did this do?

The steps above built and deployed your PostgreSQL connector to Hasura DDN. So long as the connection URI you provided is reachable by DDN, your connector will be able to communicate between your API and your data source.

Next steps

If you have other connectors needed for a supergraph, repeat these steps for each connector. Otherwise, you're ready to create a new build of your supergraph and deploy it to Hasura DDN!