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Version: v2.x

VPC Collaborators

Available on: Cloud Enterprise


You can invite collaborators to your VPC and grant them either of the following roles:

Invite a collaborator

To invite a VPC collaborator, navigate to the VPCs tab on the dashboard and click on view VPC details.

VPC Settings

Click on the Collaborators tab to see a list of all the users who have access to the VPC and users who have been invited as collaborators to the VPC.

VPC Collaborators List

Click on Invite a Collaborator to invite a new collaborator by providing the email of the user to be invited to the VPC and select the appropriate role for this collaborator.

VPC Collaborators List

Collaborator roles

Collaborators can have different levels of access in the VPC.

VPC Manager

A VPC Manager has complete access to the VPC and can perform the following actions:

  • View VPC settings
  • Create VPC peering
  • Create a new project under the VPC
  • Admin access to all projects under the VPC

VPC Viewer

A VPC Viewer has limited privileges and can perform the following actions:

  • View VPC settings
  • View VPC peering
  • View metrics for all projects under the VPC

Accept or Decline collaborator invitation

You can see all the VPCs you have been invited to collaborate on under the VPCs tab. Click on Join to accept the invitation or click on Dismiss to decline the invitation.

VPC Collaborator Invitation

Revoke collaborator invitation

A VPC Owner or VPC Manager can click on the Invited button to revoke a VPC collaborator invitation.

Revoke VPC Collaborator Invitation

Remove a collaborator

A VPC owner or VPC manager can remove a collaborator from the VPC. To remove a VPC collaborator, click on the collaborator and then select all the projects you want to remove the collaborator from.

Remove VPC Collaborator

The user will be removed as a collaborator of the VPC and will also lose access to the projects that are selected. However, the user will continue to have access to those projects that are not selected.