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Version: v2.x

RESTified Endpoint Config


In this document, we cover the RESTified endpoint configuration options. We will also cover how to use the RESTified endpoint to query and mutate data in your database.

Subscriptions and RESTified endpoints

Currently, only queries and mutations are supported in RESTified endpoints.

Configuration options

Four fields are required to configure a RESTified endpoint:

NameThe name of the endpoint. This will be used to identify the endpoint in the RESTified endpoint list.
LocationThe path of the endpoint. This will be appended to the base URL of your Hasura instance to form the full URL of the endpoint.

The location can contain variables, which will be replaced with the values of the corresponding arguments when the endpoint is called. For example, if the location is /api/rest/carts/:userId, then userId will be replaced with the value of the userId argument when the endpoint is called.
HTTP methodThe HTTP method to use when making requests to the endpoint. This can be either GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, or DELETE.
GraphQL operationThe GraphQL query to execute when the endpoint is called. This can be either a query or a mutation.



Simple endpoints

Simple endpoints are endpoints that do not have any arguments. A common use case for simple endpoints is to expose a list of all the items in a table. In the example below, we will create a RESTified endpoint for the products table, allowing us to fetch all the products in the database.

We would begin by writing a GraphQL query in the GraphiQL IDE:

query AllProductsQuery {
products {
manufacturerByManufacturer {

After entering the query, we'd then click the REST button in the Explorer to configure the endpoint. On the configuration screen that appears, enter whatever name you wish. In the Location field, as our query does not have any arguments, we can simply set this to /products.

This means that the endpoint will be available at https://<your-domain>/api/rest/products and hitting it will return the result of the query, being the list of all the products in the database.

As this endpoint is fetching data, we'd select GET as the HTTP method.

After clicking Create, you would be able to access the endpoint at https://<your-domain>/api/rest/products and see the list of products.

Endpoints with arguments

Suppose we only want to fetch the products that are produced by a specific manufacturer. We can do this by adding a where clause to our query and passing in the manufacturer's ID as an argument to the endpoint:

query AllProductsQuery($manufacturerId: uuid!) {
products(where: { manufacturer: { _eq: $manufacturerId } }) {
manufacturerByManufacturer {

The only difference between this query and the previous one is the addition of the where clause. This clause allows us to filter the results of the query based on the value of the manufacturer column. We can utilize this value in our endpoint by passing it in as an argument. Instead of our endpoint being /products, we'd set it to /products/:manufacturerId.

Hasura will parse the manufacturerId argument from the URL and pass it to the query as a variable. This means that the endpoint will be available at https://<your-domain>/api/rest/products/:manufacturerId and hitting it will return the result of the query, being the list of products belonging to the manufacturer with the specified ID.


Mutations work identically to queries, except that they are executed using a POST request. The response will be the result of the mutation as you've configured it.

To add an item to a cart, we'll need to insert a new row using the insert_carts_items_one mutation:

mutation CreateCartItemMutation($product_id: uuid!, $quantity: Int!, $cart_id: uuid!) {
insert_cart_items_one(object: { product_id: $product_id, quantity: $quantity, cart_id: $cart_id }) {

For simple mutations, we can use the same approach as we did for queries by accepting a query parameter for the necessary field. However, we can also send JSON data in the request body. This is useful for mutations that require multiple arguments. For the example above, we'd set the Location to /cartItem. We could then use the following curl command to add an item to a cart:

curl -H "<YOUR_ADMIN_SECRET>" -X POST https://<YOUR_DOMAIN>/api/rest/cartItem/ -d '{
"product_id": "7992fdfa-65b5-11ed-8612-6a8b11ef7372",
"quantity": 1,
"cart_id": "e6e0edc0-673d-11ed-8a25-7224baf239e5"

Note that the product_id, quantity, and cart_id fields are required and match the names of the arguments in the mutation. As in our mutation, the returned values are the id and cart_id fields.

Use cases

Ultimately, RESTified queries are not promoted as the primary interface to Hasura due to the lower flexibility and expressivity compared to native GraphQL queries, as well as the normal GraphQL query interface being the best place to develop the queries that could be RESTified later. The feature exists to augment the features of Hasura and make Hasura easier to adopt in environments that have a heavier REST focus than GraphQL.

Below, you'll find several scenarios in which REST endpoints could be useful.

Simplifying client code

Rather than having to adapt application stacks and tools, RESTified endpoints can be created to allow use of existing processes. This is enhanced by providing OpenAPI documentation for the endpoints to allow automatic integration where supported.

Simplifying access control

Having a limited GraphQL query allow-list can add protection against accidental or intentional DOS, however this requires that the allowed queries be known ahead of time. By using the RESTified queries API, these can be dynamically curated for users so that they don't have to change client code to adapt to new policies.

Simplifying onboarding

Rather than distributing recommended usage patterns of the GraphQL API out-of-band, a curated set of RESTified endpoints can serve as a very easy way to get users up to speed with a Hasura instance by providing “recommended patterns.” Since the associated GraphQL query is available for review, users can always adapt the RESTified endpoint into a customized GraphQL query if required.

RESTified queries could also be used for “tightening up” usage patterns when moving from the experimentation/development phase to the production/maintenance phase and used as a requirement for transitioning application maturity.

Simplifying caching

Related to curation, directives such as @cached can be applied to queries to ensure that cached responses are always requested instead of leaving that up to the client and possibly omitting them when they should be used.

HTTP caching headers are also inserted when @cached directives are applied which can be taken advantage of by many HTTP clients so that manual/explicit caching logic doesn't need to be written in applications.

Utilizing the API

To learn more about how to use the REST API, please refer to the REST API documentation.