Hasura Cloud API Reference
Hasura Cloud provides a GraphQL API to interact with services to create and manage your Cloud Projects using any GraphQL client.
The Hasura Cloud API endpoint is https://data.pro.hasura.io/v1/graphql
Authentication is done using a Personal Access Token that you can create from the Hasura Cloud Dashboard. You can find this option in the "My Account" section on bottom left.

Once you have created the token it should be used as a header in your requests in the format:
Authorization: pat <token>
This token can be used to authenticate against all of your Hasura Cloud APIs and Projects. It is only revealed once on creation. Make sure you keep it secure. The token will be valid until you delete it from the dashboard.
Each Hasura Cloud Project is backed by an API entity called "Tenant", with a distinct "Tenant ID" which is different from the "Project ID". Each Project is associated with a Tenant. In some cases, like with the Metrics API, the Project ID is used instead of Tenant ID.
Create a Project
mutation createProject {
cloud: "aws"
region: "us-east-2"
envs: [{ key: "HASURA_GRAPHQL_CORS_DOMAIN", value: "*" }, { key: "MY_ENV_VAR_1", value: "my value 1" }]
) {
Get Project Tenant id
query getProjectTenantId {
projects_by_pk(id: "7a79cf94-0e53-4520-a560-1b02bf522f08") {
tenant {
Get Tenant details
query getTenantDetails {
tenant_by_pk(id: "7a79cf94-0e53-4520-a560-1b02bf522f08") {
project {
Delete a Tenant
mutation deleteTenant {
deleteTenant(tenantId: "7a79cf94-0e53-4520-a560-1b02bf522f08") {
Get ENV Vars
query getTenantENV {
getTenantEnv(tenantId: "7a79cf94-0e53-4520-a560-1b02bf522f08") {
Update ENV Vars
mutation updateTenantEnv {
tenantId: "7a79cf94-0e53-4520-a560-1b02bf522f08"
currentHash: "6902a395d70072fbf8d36288f0eacc36c9d82e68"
envs: [
{ key: "HASURA_GRAPHQL_ENABLE_CONSOLE", value: "true" }
{ key: "ACTIONS_ENDPOINT", value: "https://my-actions-endpoint.com/actions" }
) {
Create GitHub Preview App
Schedules the creation of a Hasura Cloud Project with Migrations and Metadata from a branch of a GitHub repo.
mutation createGitHubPreviewApp {
payload: {
githubPersonalAccessToken: "<github_access_token>"
githubRepoDetails: { branch: "main", owner: "my-org", repo: "my-repo", directory: "backend/hasura" }
projectOptions: {
cloud: "aws"
region: "us-east-2"
plan: "cloud_free"
name: "my-app_name"
envVars: [
{ key: "HASURA_GRAPHQL_AUTH_HOOK", value: "https://my-webhook.com" }
{ key: "MY_ENV_VAR_1", value: "my value 1" }
) {
Input arguments
Argument | Description |
githubPersonalAccessToken | GitHub personal access token for Hasura Cloud to access the Migrations and Metadata from your repository. Refer to GitHub docs on how to create a GitHub personal access token. The token should have read access to the repository. |
under githubRepoDetails : owner | GitHub repository owner (user or organization) |
under githubRepoDetails : repo | GitHub repository name. |
under githubRepoDetails : branch | Name of the branch from which to create a Preview App. |
under githubRepoDetails : directory | Path to the Hasura Project directory (typically created by the Hasura CLI) containing Migrations and Metadata. The path should be relative to the project's root directory. |
under projectOptions : name | Name of the Preview App. A Hasura Cloud project will be created with the same name. Can contain lowercase characters, numbers and hyphens. |
under projectOptions : cloud | The cloud provider to deploy the Preview App on. A Hasura Cloud project will be created in the specified cloud provider. Available: aws and gcp . |
under projectOptions : region | The region within the cloud provider to deploy the Preview App on. A Hasura Cloud project will be created in the specified region. Refer to the Hasura Cloud dashboard for available options. |
under projectOptions : plan | Pricing tier of the created Preview App. Available options: cloud_free and cloud_payg (corresponds to Free Tier and Professional Tier respectively). |
under projectOptions : envVars | ENV vars to be set for the created Preview App. |
Output Fields
Argument | Description |
githubPreviewAppJobID | Job ID of the Preview App creation job. This does not mean the Preview App is created, the ID identifies the job responsible for creating the Preview App. For the status of the Preview App creation, query the getPreviewAppCreationStatus API. |
Fetch Preview App Creation Status
Preview App creation is a multistep process. This query fetches the status of the Preview App creation. The input
is the same ID obtained in the output of the
Create GitHub Preview App mutation.
query getPreviewAppCreationStatus($jobId: uuid!) {
jobs_by_pk(id: $jobId) {
tasks {
task_events {
Input Arguments
Argument | Description |
id | Job ID of the Preview App creation job. The ID identifies the job responsible for creating the Preview App. This can be obtained from the output of the createGitHubPreviewApp API. |