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Version: v2.x

Hasura CLI: hasura actions codegen

Generate code for Actions.


Running this command will generate code for either specified or all Actions. The CLI allows you to select a framework and language for generating code. Further, you also have the option of cloning a starter kit of your chosen framework and choosing the output directory for the generated code.

hasura actions codegen [action-name] [flags]


# Generate code for all Actions
hasura actions codegen

# Generate code for an Action
hasura actions codegen [action-name]

# Generate code for two or more Actions
hasura actions codegen [action-name] [action-name...]

# Derive an Action from a Hasura operation
hasura actions codegen [action-name] --derive-from ""


    --derive-from string   derive Action from a Hasura operation
-h, --help help for codegen

Options inherited from parent commands

--admin-secret string            admin secret for Hasura GraphQL Engine (env "HASURA_GRAPHQL_ADMIN_SECRET")
--certificate-authority string path to a cert file for the certificate authority (env "HASURA_GRAPHQL_CERTIFICATE_AUTHORITY")
--endpoint string http(s) endpoint for Hasura GraphQL Engine (env "HASURA_GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT")
--envfile string .env filename to load ENV vars from (default ".env")
--insecure-skip-tls-verify skip TLS verification and disable cert checking (default: false) (env "HASURA_GRAPHQL_INSECURE_SKIP_TLS_VERIFY")
--log-level string log level (DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL) (default "INFO")
--no-color do not colorize output (default: false)
--project string directory where commands are executed (default: current dir)
--skip-update-check skip automatic update check on command execution


Auto generated by spf13/cobra