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Version: v3.x

Self-Hosted (BYOC)


Hasura DDN is also available to self-host if you need to have complete control over the infrastructure.

The data plane will run on a Kubernetes cluster of your choice and you control the uptime, upgrades, etc. All API traffic stays within your network and does not leave the boundaries of your system.

A Kubernetes cluster is required

A Kubernetes cluster is required to run the data plane and it is a sufficiently complex system that requires advanced knowledge of Kubernetes operations.

Private DDN Architecture Customer Hosted

Interactions with the control plane

In Self-Hosted Hasura DDN, the data plane running on the your infrastructure communicates with the control plane only in very specific scenarios. Your data never leaves the data plane.

  1. The data plane accesses a metadata storage bucket to retrieve build artifacts.
  2. The data plane accesses the control plane APIs to retrieve information about builds, applied builds for the purposes of routing.
  3. The data plane sends observability data to the control plane so you can visualize it on the console.
  4. The control plane interacts with the Kubernetes cluster to manage data plane workloads.
Control Plane - Data Plane interactions

Get started

To get started with Hasura DDN in your own cloud, contact sales.
