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Version: v3.x (DDN)

Self-Host: Docker Compose


This guide will take you through hosting your supergraph API on a single cloud machine using Docker Compose. This approach is similar to running a local development setup in production.


  • A cloud server (e.g., DigitalOcean Droplet, AWS EC2, etc.) running Linux
  • Docker and Docker Compose v2.20 or later installed on the server
  • SSH access to your server
  • Open port 3280 for TCP traffic
  • A Hasura account
  • A Hasura DDN project
  • Your supergraph project files
Don't yet have a project?

You'll need to create a set of project metadata files using the DDN CLI. You can use the Quickstart docs or get started with a particular connector. We recommend completing this set of steps on your host machine or via your own CI setup.

Step 1. Prepare your server

Create your server with your cloud provider and SSH into it.

  1. SSH into your cloud server:

    ssh user@your-server-ip
  2. Install Docker if not already installed. Follow the official Docker installation guide for your Linux distribution. Docker Compose is included with modern versions of Docker.

  3. Create a directory for your supergraph:

    mkdir -p /opt/hasura-supergraph
    cd /opt/hasura-supergraph
  4. Install the DDN CLI:

    curl -L | bash

Step 2. Get your supergraph files

  1. Copy your local supergraph project files to the server. From your local machine in your supergraph project directory run:

    rsync -avz --progress ./ <your-server-username>@<your-server-ip>:/opt/hasura-supergraph/

    Or use git to clone your repository if your project is version controlled:

    git clone your-repository-http-url .
    GitHub SSH URLs

    To clone with an SSH url from GitHub you will need to configure your SSH access.

    Note that the .env files are ignored by default in your .gitignore file so cloning will not include them. You will need to either copy them over manually or recreate them on the server.

Step 3. Authenticate the DDN CLI

You will still need to authenticate the DDN CLI to your Hasura account. Because your headless server does not have a browser, you will need to use a personal access token.

On your local machine, once you are logged in with ddn auth login run:

ddn auth print-access-token

This will print out your personal access token. Copy it and on the cloud server run:

ddn auth login --access-token <access-token>

This will authenticate the DDN CLI with your Hasura account.

Step 4. Build your supergraph

ddn supergraph build local

Step 5. Check server network access

You will need to ensure that your server can be accessed from the internet over TCP on port 3280. Use your cloud provider's network tools to set up access.

For example, on DigitalOcean, you can create a firewall rule to allow inbound TCP traffic on port 3280 (or all ports) for all IPv4 sources.

Step 6. Start your services

ddn run docker-start

Docker logs will be output to the console. You can start another ssh session to run new commands, or amend the .hasura/context.yaml docker-start script to include the "detatched" flag -d at the end.

Check the status of your containers with:

docker ps

Step 7. Access your supergraph

Your supergraph API should now be running in production on your cloud server. Access it at https://<your-domain-or-ip>:3280/graphql

You can check your access with this curl command:

curl -X POST https://<your-domain-or-ip>:3280/graphql \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"query": "{ __schema { types { name } } }"}'

You should see a JSON response with the schema of your supergraph.


If you encounter issues:

  1. Check service logs:

    docker compose logs -f docker-compose-service-name
  2. Verify all required files and volumes are present

  3. Ensure all environment variables are correctly set

  4. Check network connectivity between services

Updating your deployment

To update your deployment with new changes:

  1. Pull the latest code changes

  2. Rebuild your supergraph:

    ddn supergraph build local
  3. Restart the services:

    docker stop $(docker ps -q)
    ddn run docker-start