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Version: v3.x

Add Authorization

What's about to happen?

If you've already created and tested your supergraph, you'll have seen that queries are executed by default using the admin role. However, you can easily add authorization rules — what we term permissions — by simply using the same declarative metadata approach we've seen for relationships and versioning.

In the steps below, we'll add modelPermissions to filter the data that can be accessed by a role and typePermissions to control what fields are returned by your API.

You can use the Hasura VS Code extension!

You can use the Hasura VS Code extension to help you author any metadata objects or updates, including modelPermissions and typePermissions. You can activate its autocomplete abilities using CTRL+SPACEBAR inside of any hml file.

Add authorization to your API



Step 1. Create a modelPermission

By default, a role of admin exists for your API and can access all models. To create a new role, such as user, simply add the role to the list of permissions for a model and set up your access control rules. In the example below, we'll allow users with the role of user to access only their own rows from a Users model by checking for a header value matching their id:

For example, in a Users.hml
kind: ModelPermissions
version: v1
modelName: Users
- role: admin
filter: null
- role: user
field: id
operator: _eq
sessionVariable: x-hasura-user-id
Where are models?

Remember, models are under the metadata subdirectory under the subgraph directory.

Step 2. Create a typePermission

The admin role also has access to all fields for each model. However, adding a new role and limiting what columns can be returned from your data source is just as simple. For example, let's restrict what a user can see by omitting several fields from the typePermissions:

For example, in a Users.hml
kind: TypePermissions
version: v1
typeName: Users
- role: admin
- createdAt
- email
- favoriteArtist
- id
- isEmailVerified
- lastSeen
- name
- password
- updatedAt
- role: user
- email
- favoriteArtist
- id
- name
- password

Step 3. Create a new build

As we've altered our metadata, create a new build to test it.

From the root of your project, run:
ddn supergraph build local \
--output-dir engine \
--subgraph-env-file my_subgraph:my_subgraph/.env.my_subgraph.local
Start your engines!

Want to test your supergraph? Don't forget to start your GraphQL engine and connectors using the following command.

From the root of your project, run:
HASURA_DDN_PAT=$(ddn auth print-pat) docker compose up --build --watch

If you haven't included your connector(s) in your compose.yaml, don't forget to start it as well.

Creating a new build after modifying this metadata will allow us to use two headers in our request: x-hasura-role and x-hasura-user-id:

Query with authorization

What did this do?

In our example, we're passing headers as unencoded values to control access and filtering for different roles. Specifically, the x-hasura-role and x-hasura-user-id headers are used to manage permissions and data access. These headers can be part of your claims when using JWTs or webhooks for authentication. You can read more about Hasura's approach to authentication here.

By adding modelPermissions, we've enabled access to the Users model for the user role. As shown in the screenshot above, this means that only the Users model is available to a consumer with the x-hasura-role value of user.

Additionally, modelPermissions are used to filter the rows that can be returned from this model. They don't simply check if the returned data is allowed; instead, they filter the data before it can be returned. In our example, this is achieved by validating the x-hasura-user-id value against the matching record with the same id in the data source.

Finally, we limited the fields they can access to the ones listed above, thereby preventing someone with the user role from accessing irrelevant system information, such as when users were last seen.

We recommend you keep going and check out the custom business logic section next.
