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Version: v3.x (DDN)

Explain API Reference


The Explain API is an endpoint for analyzing GraphQL queries. Given a query and authorization, it will return the execution plan for the engine and data connector, if supported.


All requests are POST requests to the /v1/explain endpoint.

API Spec


The request expects the exact same payload as the GraphQL API (including authentication-related headers).

  • query: the GraphQL query to be analyzed.
  • variables (optional): the variables used in the GraphQL query.
  • operationName (optional): the name of the GraphQL operation.
POST /v1/explain HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

"query": "<GraphQL query>",
"variables": {
"var1" : "...",
"var2" : "..."

Sample request

POST /v1/explain HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

"query": "query GetAlbumTracks($AlbumId: Int) {\n AlbumByID(AlbumId: $AlbumId) {\n Title\n Tracks {\n Name\n }\n }\n}",
"variables": {
"AlbumId": 1
"operationName": "GetAlbumTracks"


The response for a query is the engine's plans for executing the GraphQL query:

"explain": "<ExplainStep>",
"errors": [<GraphQLError>]


The ExplainStep can be one of the following:

  1. ModelSelect: A select on the data connector's model
  2. CommandSelect: A select on the data connector's command
  3. ForEach: A for-each loop on the data returned by the parent step
  4. HashJoin: A hash join of the data returned by the steps to construct valid response
  5. Sequence: A sequential execution of steps
  6. Parallel: A parallel execution of steps


A ModelSelect represents a select on the data connector's model. It has the following structure:

"type": "modelSelect",
"value": {
"modelName": "<ModelName>",
"queryRequest": <NDCQueryRequest>,
"ndcExplain": <NDCExplain>

The fields in the ModelSelect are:

modelNameStringThe name of the model being selected
queryRequestNDCQueryRequestThe query request sent to the data connector
ndcExplainNDCExplainThe explain response from the data connector


A CommandSelect represents a select on the data connector's command. It has the following structure:

"type": "commandSelect",
"value": {
"commandName": "<CommandName>",
"queryRequest": <NDCQueryRequest>,
"ndcExplain": <NDCExplain>

The fields in the CommandSelect are:

commandNameStringThe name of the command being selected
queryRequestNDCQueryRequestThe query request sent to the data connector
ndcExplainNDCExplainThe explain response from the data connector


A ForEach represents a for-each loop on the data returned by the parent step. This is present if the engine is going to perform remote joins. It has the following structure:

"type": "forEach",
"value": <ForEachStep>

The value of the ForEach step can be either a ModelSelect or a CommandSelect.


A HashJoin represents a hash join of the data returned by the steps to construct valid response. This is present if the engine is going to perform remote joins. It has the following structure:

"type": "hashJoin"


A Sequence represents a sequential execution of steps. It has the following structure:

"type": "sequence",
"value": [<ExplainStep>]


A Parallel represents a parallel execution of steps. It has the following structure:

"type": "parallel",
"value": [<ExplainStep>]


The NDCExplain contains the explanation of the query execution from the DataConnector's point of view. It has the following structure:

"type": "response" || "error" || "notSupported"
"value": <data connector specific response>

The NDCExplain can be of the following types:

  1. response: The data connector supports explaining query and has given a valid response.
  2. error: The data connector has raised some error while explaining the query.
  3. notSupported: The data connector doesn't support explaining NDC queries.


Let's try to understand the meaning of various nodes in ExplainStep through examples.

Using the following query:

query {
Album {
Artist {
# a remote relationship
Tracks {
# a local relationship
Album {
# a remote relationship

We get the following response:

"explain": {
"type": "sequence",
"value": [
"type": "modelSelect",
"value": {
"modelName": "Album",
"queryRequest": {
"collection": "Album",
"query": {
"fields": {
"AlbumId": {
"type": "column",
"column": "AlbumId"
"ArtistId": {
"type": "column",
"column": "ArtistId"
"__hasura_phantom_field__ArtistId": {
"type": "column",
"column": "ArtistId"
"Tracks": {
"type": "relationship",
"query": {
"fields": {
"TrackId": {
"type": "column",
"column": "TrackId"
"__hasura_phantom_field__AlbumId": {
"type": "column",
"column": "AlbumId"
"relationship": "[{\"subgraph\":\"connector_2\",\"name\":\"Album\"},\"Tracks\"]",
"arguments": {}
"arguments": {},
"collection_relationships": {
"[{\"subgraph\":\"connector_2\",\"name\":\"Album\"},\"Tracks\"]": {
"column_mapping": {
"AlbumId": "AlbumId"
"relationship_type": "array",
"target_collection": "Track",
"arguments": {}
"ndcExplain": {
"type": "response",
"value": {
"details": {
"Execution Plan": "Aggregate (cost=2342.72..2342.73 rows=1 width=32)\n -> Aggregate (cost=2342.70..2342.71 rows=1 width=32)\n -> Nested Loop Left Join (cost=11.06..2341.65 rows=210 width=40)\n -> Seq Scan on \"Album\" \"%0_Album\" (cost=0.00..12.10 rows=210 width=8)\n -> Subquery Scan on \"%3_rows\" (cost=11.06..11.08 rows=1 width=32)\n -> Aggregate (cost=11.06..11.07 rows=1 width=32)\n -> Bitmap Heap Scan on \"Track\" \"%2_Track\" (cost=4.29..11.05 rows=2 width=8)\n Recheck Cond: (\"%0_Album\".\"AlbumId\" = \"AlbumId\")\n -> Bitmap Index Scan on \"IFK_TrackAlbumId\" (cost=0.00..4.29 rows=2 width=0)\n Index Cond: (\"AlbumId\" = \"%0_Album\".\"AlbumId\")",
"SQL Query": "EXPLAIN\nSELECT\n coalesce(json_agg(row_to_json(\"%5_universe\")), '[]') AS \"universe\"\nFROM\n (\n SELECT\n *\n FROM\n (\n SELECT\n coalesce(json_agg(row_to_json(\"%6_rows\")), '[]') AS \"rows\"\n FROM\n (\n SELECT\n \"%0_Album\".\"AlbumId\" AS \"AlbumId\",\n \"%0_Album\".\"ArtistId\" AS \"ArtistId\",\n \"%0_Album\".\"ArtistId\" AS \"__hasura_phantom_field__ArtistId\",\n \"%1_RELATIONSHIP_Tracks\".\"Tracks\" AS \"Tracks\"\n FROM\n \"public\".\"Album\" AS \"%0_Album\"\n LEFT OUTER JOIN LATERAL (\n SELECT\n row_to_json(\"%1_RELATIONSHIP_Tracks\") AS \"Tracks\"\n FROM\n (\n SELECT\n *\n FROM\n (\n SELECT\n coalesce(json_agg(row_to_json(\"%3_rows\")), '[]') AS \"rows\"\n FROM\n (\n SELECT\n \"%2_Track\".\"TrackId\" AS \"TrackId\",\n \"%2_Track\".\"AlbumId\" AS \"__hasura_phantom_field__AlbumId\"\n FROM\n \"public\".\"Track\" AS \"%2_Track\"\n WHERE\n (\"%0_Album\".\"AlbumId\" = \"%2_Track\".\"AlbumId\")\n ) AS \"%3_rows\"\n ) AS \"%3_rows\"\n ) AS \"%1_RELATIONSHIP_Tracks\"\n ) AS \"%1_RELATIONSHIP_Tracks\" ON ('true')\n ) AS \"%6_rows\"\n ) AS \"%6_rows\"\n ) AS \"%5_universe\""
"type": "parallel",
"value": [
"type": "forEach",
"value": {
"type": "modelSelect",
"value": {
"modelName": "Artist",
"queryRequest": {
"collection": "Artist",
"query": {
"fields": {
"ArtistId": {
"type": "column",
"column": "ArtistId"
"where": {
"type": "binary_comparison_operator",
"column": {
"type": "column",
"name": "ArtistId",
"path": []
"operator": {
"type": "equal"
"value": {
"type": "variable",
"name": "$ArtistId"
"arguments": {},
"collection_relationships": {},
"variables": []
"ndcExplain": {
"type": "response",
"value": {
"details": {
"Execution Plan": "",
"SQL Query": "EXPLAIN\nSELECT\n coalesce(json_agg(\"%5_universe_agg\".\"universe\"), '[]') AS \"universe\"\nFROM\n (\n SELECT\n row_to_json(\"%2_universe\") AS \"universe\"\n FROM\n json_to_recordset(cast($1 as json)) AS \"%0_%variables_table\"(\"%variable_order\" int)\n CROSS JOIN LATERAL (\n SELECT\n *\n FROM\n (\n SELECT\n coalesce(json_agg(row_to_json(\"%3_rows\")), '[]') AS \"rows\"\n FROM\n (\n SELECT\n \"%1_Artist\".\"ArtistId\" AS \"ArtistId\"\n FROM\n \"public\".\"Artist\" AS \"%1_Artist\"\n WHERE\n (\n \"%1_Artist\".\"ArtistId\" = cast(\"%0_%variables_table\".\"$ArtistId\" as int4)\n )\n ) AS \"%3_rows\"\n ) AS \"%3_rows\"\n ) AS \"%2_universe\"\n ORDER BY\n \"%0_%variables_table\".\"%variable_order\" ASC\n ) AS \"%5_universe_agg\""
"type": "sequence",
"value": [
"type": "forEach",
"value": {
"type": "modelSelect",
"value": {
"modelName": "Album",
"queryRequest": {
"collection": "Album",
"query": {
"fields": {
"AlbumId": {
"type": "column",
"column": "AlbumId"
"where": {
"type": "binary_comparison_operator",
"column": {
"type": "column",
"name": "AlbumId",
"path": []
"operator": {
"type": "equal"
"value": {
"type": "variable",
"name": "$AlbumId"
"arguments": {},
"collection_relationships": {},
"variables": []
"ndcExplain": {
"type": "response",
"value": {
"details": {
"Execution Plan": "",
"SQL Query": "EXPLAIN\nSELECT\n coalesce(json_agg(\"%5_universe_agg\".\"universe\"), '[]') AS \"universe\"\nFROM\n (\n SELECT\n row_to_json(\"%2_universe\") AS \"universe\"\n FROM\n json_to_recordset(cast($1 as json)) AS \"%0_%variables_table\"(\"%variable_order\" int)\n CROSS JOIN LATERAL (\n SELECT\n *\n FROM\n (\n SELECT\n coalesce(json_agg(row_to_json(\"%3_rows\")), '[]') AS \"rows\"\n FROM\n (\n SELECT\n \"%1_Album\".\"AlbumId\" AS \"AlbumId\"\n FROM\n \"public\".\"Album\" AS \"%1_Album\"\n WHERE\n (\n \"%1_Album\".\"AlbumId\" = cast(\"%0_%variables_table\".\"$AlbumId\" as int4)\n )\n ) AS \"%3_rows\"\n ) AS \"%3_rows\"\n ) AS \"%2_universe\"\n ORDER BY\n \"%0_%variables_table\".\"%variable_order\" ASC\n ) AS \"%5_universe_agg\""
"type": "hashJoin"
"type": "hashJoin"

The JSON above represents the execution plan for the query. The query is broken down into multiple steps, each step is a ModelSelect or a ForEach step. The ModelSelect step represents a select on the data connector's model, and the ForEach step represents a for-each loop on the data returned by the parent step.

This allows you to understand how the query is executed and how the data is fetched from the data connector.