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Version: v3.x (DDN)

How to Add Collaborators to a Data Plane


The Data Plane collaboration feature allows you to manage and facilitate collaboration on the Data Plane for which you are an owner. The owner of the Data Plane can invite other users to collaborate/create projects on the Data Plane. The invited users can create and manage projects on the Data Plane. This feature enables users to invite, accept, reject, and remove collaborators for multi-team collaboration.

How to get started with Data Plane collaboration

Inviting a collaborator

To invite a user to your Data Plane, you need to open the Data Plane Management Dashboard. The dashboard will show all available Data Planes. Select the Data Plane for which you have the owner role. Click Invite Collaborator. Enter the email address of the user you want to invite and click Send Invites. The invited user will receive an email with an invitation link.

Invite Data Plane Collaborator

Accepting or rejecting an invitation

The invited user can accept or reject the invitation by clicking on the invitation link received in the email or going to the Data Plane Management Dashboard. The dashboard will show all the invites received by the user. The user can accept or reject the invitation by clicking Accept or Decline.

Accept or Reject Data Plane Invitation

Removing a collaborator

You can remove any Data Plane collaborator by going to the Data Plane Management Dashboard. Select the Data Plane for which you have the owner role, you'll be able to see all the collaborators of the Data Plane. Click Remove to remove the collaborator.

Remove Data Plane Collaborator

Data Plane collaboration permissions

Currently there are only two roles available for Data Plane collaboration:

  • owner: The owner of the Data Plane has full access to the Data Plane and can invite or remove collaborators.
  • member: The member of the Data Plane can create projects on the Data Plane and manage them.

Next steps

Learn how to create a project on a Private Data Plane.