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Version: v3.x (DDN)

How to Create a Subgraph


You can easily create subgraphs using the CLI and — for cloud projects — the Hasura DDN console. By default, the CLI will generate an app subgraph when a new project is initialized.

In your local metadata

Within a local project directory, run the following:
ddn subgraph init <subgraph-name>

You can verify this by identifying the new subdirectory in your project with the subgraph's name.

Then, add the subgraph to your supergraph's config file:
ddn subgraph add <subgraph-name> --subgraph ./<subgraph-name>/subgraph.yaml --target-supergraph ./supergraph.yaml
This will add the new subgraph to your supergraph.yaml:
kind: Supergraph
version: v2
- globals/subgraph.yaml
- app/subgraph.yaml
- <subgraph-name>/subgraph.yaml

On a cloud project

By default, when a cloud project is initialized, any subgraphs present in your supergraph configuration will be initialized as well. However, to explicitly add a new subgraph to a cloud project — such as when iterating on an existing project — follow these steps:

Using the CLI

The folowing will create a new subgraph on the current context's cloud project:
ddn project subgraph create <subgraph-name>

Using the console

Under Settings > Subgraphs click + Create New Subgraph.

Subgraph mapping

Be careful of mismatching subgraphs between your local metadata and a cloud project: if you create a subgraph locally and add it to your supergraph configuration without also creating the subgraph on your cloud project, cloud builds will fail.

To resolve this, ensure that when you create a local subgraph in your metadata, you also create the companion subgraph on the cloud project.

Next steps