Hasura DDN includes a Native Data Connector for Snowflake, providing integration with Snowflake instances. This connector allows you to leverage Snowflake’s powerful capabilities while taking advantage of Hasura’s metadata-driven approach. Here, we’ll explore the key features of the Snowflake connector and walk through the configuration process within a Hasura DDN project.
Snowflake is an analytical data source optimized for large-scale data analysis and complex queries. When integrating Snowflake with Hasura DDN, it’s essential to recognize that the performance of your API will be directly influenced by the query performance of Snowflake. As a result, response times may vary depending on the complexity and volume of the queries executed. Use this connector and Snowflake for scenarios where analytical query performance is acceptable.
Snowflake is not designed for transactional use cases that require low-latency operations, high-frequency updates, or real-time responses. Avoid using Hasura DDN with Snowflake for applications that require rapid transactional processing.