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Version: v2.x

Postgres: Input Validations


Supported from

Input validations are supported for versions v2.29.0 and above.

Many times, we need to perform validations on the input arguments of a GraphQL mutation before inserting, deleting or updating the data.

Hasura provides a way to add input validations to your GraphQL mutations which route the input arguments of a GraphQL mutation to an HTTP webhook to perform complex validation logic.


Consider you have the following GraphQL mutation:

mutation insert_users {
insert_users(objects: [{ name: "John", phone: "999" }]) {

mutation update_users {
update_users(where: { id: { _eq: 1 } }, _set: { name: "John", email: "random email" }) {

You can define the input validations for the above mutations to perform the following checks:

  1. Check that the name field is not empty
  2. Check that the phone field is a valid phone number
  3. Check that the email field is a valid email address
  4. Do not allow more than 5 insertions in a single insert mutation

Setting up validation permissions

You can define the input validations for insert/update/delete permissions on the Hasura Console in Data -> [table] -> Permissions -> (insert/update/delete).

Using boolean expressions to build rules
Reduced performance

Mutations that involve input validation may exhibit slower performance compared to mutations without validation. The execution time of the webhook URL can become a bottleneck, potentially reaching the maximum limit specified by the timeout configuration value, the default of which is 10 seconds.

How it works

Following are the steps that are performed by mutations types (insert/update/delete)

When an mutation arrives with a role, the following steps are performed:

  1. First, "collect" all the tables that the mutation targets (because there could be more than one table involved via nested inserts)
  2. If there is a validate_input permission defined on a table, then any mutation arguments targeting that table are sent to the validation URL. This is done for all tables.
  3. If all handlers validate the mutation arguments, then the request proceeds. A transaction with the database will only be started after the validation is completed and successful.
  4. If any webhook rejects the mutation data, then the request is aborted. An error message from the URL can also be forwarded to the client.

Consider the following sample mutation:

mutation insertAuthorWithArticles($name: String, $email: String, $articles_content: [article_insert_input!]!) {
insert_author(objects: { name: $name, email: $email, articles: { data: $articles_content } }) {
returning {
articles {

The above mutation targets the author and article tables, involving a nested insert of an article into the author model. Assuming that the validate_input permission is defined for both tables, the validation process unfolds as follows:

  1. The validation webhook specified for the author table is contacted first, including the inserted row with articles
  2. Subsequently, the validation webhook designated for the article table is contacted with $articles_content rows.
  3. If both of the above webhook calls result in successful validation, a database transaction is started to insert the rows into the respective tables.

Webhook specification per mutation type


When a mutation on a table with validate_input configuration is executed, before making a database transaction, Hasura sends the mutation argument data to the validation HTTP webhook using a POST request.

The request payload is of the format:

"version": "<version-integer>",
"role": "<role-name>",
"session_variables": {
"x-hasura-user-id": "<session-user-id>",
"x-hasura-user-name": "<session-user-name>"
"data": {
"input": <mutation specific schema>
  • version: An integer version serves to indicate the request format. Whenever a breaking update occurs in the request payload, the version will be incremented. The initial version is set to 1.
  • role: Hasura session role on which permissions are enforced.
  • session_variables: Session variables that aid in enforcing permissions. Session variable names always starts with x-hasura-*.
  • data.input: The schema of data.input varies per mutation type. This schema is defined below.

In case there are multiple headers with the same name, the order of precedence is: client headers > resolved user (x-hasura-*) variables > configuration headers.

If you want to change the order of precedence to: configuration headers > resolved user (x-hasura-*) variables > client headers, use the configured header precedence flag or environment variable.

Insert Mutations

"version": "<version-integer>",
"role": "<role-name>",
"session_variables": {<session-variables>},
"data": {
"input": [{JSON-fied <model_name>_insert_input!}]
  • data.input: List of rows to be inserted which are specified in the objects input field of insert mutation. Also includes nested data of relationships. The structure of this field will be similar to the JSONified structure of the <model_name>_insert_input! graphql type.

Note that, in data.input, if the data to be inserted contains nested inserts, then:

  1. The data.input for the root model will have the type JSON-fied <model_name>_insert_input!, i.e: the nested inserts will be present as JSON-fied <model_name>_(arr|obj)_rel_insert_input!
  2. The data.input for the nested inserts payload will have the type JSON-fied <nested_model_name>_insert_input!

Update Mutations

The user may want to validate the input values in the where, _set, _inc etc clause and pk_columns. So, the upstream webhook is expected to receive those values in the payload.

"version": "<version-integer>",
"role": "<role-name>",
"session_variables": {<session-variables>},
"data": {
"input": [
JSON-fied <model_name>_updates!,
"pk_columns": JSON-fied <model_name>_pk_columns_input! (only included for update_<mode_name>_by_pk)
  • data.input: List of the multiple updates to run. The structure of this field will be similar to the JSONified structure of the <model_name>_updates! graphql type. If it is an update mutation by primary key, then it will also contain the <model_name>_pk_columns_input!

Delete Mutations

The user may want to validate the input values in the where clause and pk_columns. So the upstream webhook is expected to receive those values in the payload.

"version": "<version-integer>",
"role": "<role-name>",
"session_variables": {<session-variables>},
"data": {
"input": [
JSON-fied <model_name>_bool_exp!,
"pk_columns": JSON-fied <model_name>_pk_columns_input! (only included for delete_<mode_name>_by_pk)
  • data.input: The delete condition. The structure of this field will be similar to the JSONified structure of the <model_name>_bool_exp! graphql type. If it is a delete mutation by primary key, then it will also contain the <model_name>_pk_columns_input!


The following is the expected response from the upstream webhook for all mutation types (insert/update/delete).

  1. Successful Response

The HTTP validation URL should return a 200 status code to represent a successful validation.

200 OK
  1. Failed Response

The HTTP validation URL should return an optional JSON object with 400 status code to represent a failed validation. The object should contain a message field whose value is a string and this message is forwarded to client.

If no JSON object is returned then no message is forwarded to client.


"message": "Phone number invalid"

When an unexpected response format is received, Hasura raises internal exception