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Version: v3.x

Configuration Reference, Version 5


Supported since data connector version v1.0.0

Changes from the previous version

Version 5 separates the nativeQueries into two fields, queries and mutations, and nests them under nativeOperations, as well as nested scalarTypes and compositeTypes under types and renames them to scalar and composite respectively.

The initial configuration

Running ndc-postgres-cli initialize in an empty directory will produce a single file, configuration.json, reproduced here in abbreviated form:

"version": "5",
"$schema": "./schema.json",
"connectionUri": { "variable": "CONNECTION_URI" },
"isolationLevel": "ReadCommitted",
"maxConnections": 50,
"poolTimeout": 30,
"idleTimeout": 180,
"connectionLifetime": 600,
"checkConnectionAfterIdle": 60,
"mutationsVersion": null,
"tables": {},
"nativeOperations": { "queries": {}, "mutations": {} },
"types": { "scalar": {}, "composite": {} },
["information_schema", "pg_catalog", "tiger", "crdb_internal", "columnar", "columnar_internal"],
"unqualifiedSchemasForTables": ["public"],
"unqualifiedSchemasForTypesAndProcedures": ["public", "pg_catalog", "tiger"],
{ "operatorName": "=", "exposedName": "_eq", "operatorKind": "equal" },
{ "operatorName": "<=", "exposedName": "_lte", "operatorKind": "custom" },
"introspectPrefixFunctionComparisonOperators": ["box_above", "box_below", ...],
"typeRepresentations": { "bit": "string", "bool": "boolean", ... },

The various default values of introspectionOptions fields are output explicitly. This provides both immediacy and versioning flexibly.

Making defaults explicitly present means you don't have to look up in the reference documentation to know what configuration is in force, and it allows the defaults to evolve over time without requiring a version bump of the configuration format.

A minimal configuration

The very minimal configuration that is acceptable elides all fields that have defaults and contains just the version and connectionUri fields:

{ "version": "5", "connectionSettings": { "connectionUri": { "value": "postgres://..." } } }

or, to get the connection uri from an environment variable:

{ "version": "5", "connectionSettings": { "connectionUri": { "variable": "CONNECTION_URI" } } }

Note that the choice of environment variable name CONNECTION_URI is only a matter of convention. Any environment variable can be used.


This version uses the string-value "5".



The connectionUri field indicates the uri of the database which the connector will be querying. This can be given either as a literal value, or sourced from an environment variable (to help with sound credentials storage for instance).

The PostgreSQL database URL should follow the PostgreSQL connection URI form


"connectionUri": "postgresql://user:password@host/databasename"
"connectionUri": { "variable": "CONNECTION_URI" }

Note that the choice of environment variable name CONNECTION_URI is only a matter of convention. Any environment variable can be used.


This field indicates how the data connector should manage connection pooling.

The default value is:

"maxConnections": 50, // Maximum number of pool connections
"poolTimeout": 30, // Maximum time to acquire a connection from the pool (seconds)
"checkConnectionAfterIdle": 60 // Time at which an idle connection will be checked as still being alive (seconds / null)
"idleTimeout": 180, // Time at which an idle connection will be released from the pool (seconds)
"connectionLifetime": 600, // Maximum time for an individual connection (seconds)

The idleTimeout and connectionLifetime options may be set to null. This indicates that connections will never be retired from the pool. The checkConnectionAfterIdle option may also be set to null. This indicates that the connection should be checked each time we acquire it from the pool.

Note the distinction between setting the fields to null versus omitting them. null indicates an indefinite value and omission indicates the default value.


This field indicates the isolation level of the transaction in which a query is executed.

It may take on the following values:

  • ReadCommitted (the default). Prevents reading data from another uncommitted transaction.
  • RepeatableRead. Reading the same data twice is guaranteed to return the same result.
  • Serializable. Concurrent transactions behave identically to serializing them one at a time.


The metadata section collects declarations of all the database entities that are known to the data connector.


The tables field collects all the tables and views, and the collection name that will be used for each of them.

Consult the json schema reference for details.


// Exposed collection name "schemaName": "public",
"tableName": "Album",
// The actual name of the table in the database "columns":
// The exposed field name "name": "AlbumId",
// The actual name of the column in the table "type": { "scalarType": "int4" },
"nullable": "nonNullable",
"description": "The identifier of an album",
"name": "ArtistId",
"type": { "scalarType": "int4" },
"nullable": "nonNullable",
"description": "The id of the artist that authored the album",
"name": "Title",
"type": { "scalarType": "varchar" },
"nullable": "nonNullable",
"description": "The title of an album",
"uniquenessConstraints": { "PK_Album": ["AlbumId"] },
"foreignSchema": "public",
"foreignTable": "Artist",
"columnMapping": { "ArtistId": // Column of this table "ArtistId" // Column of the referenced table },
"description": "The record of all albums",

The types of a column

Valid column types include all of scalar types, (single-dimension) array types, and composite types.


"type": { "scalarType": "varchar" }
"type": { "arrayType": { "scalarType": "varchar" } }
"type": {
"compositeType": "person_address"
"type": { "arrayType": { "compositeType": "person_address" } }


The queries and mutations fields collect user-specified SQL queries that that may become either queryable collections or mutations in the generated connector schema.

Each query is specified as SQL, and the types of any query arguments and result columns must be specified explicitly.

The following fields should be specified for a Native Operation entry:

  • sql: SQL expression to use for the Native Operation. We can interpolate values using {{variable_name}} syntax, such as SELECT * FROM authors WHERE name = {{author_name}}. Can be specify either a path to file in the connector configuration directory with { "file": "<file>" }, or an inline SQL query such as { "inline": "SELECT 1 as one" }.
  • columns: The returning columns from the Native Operation.
  • arguments: Names and types of arguments that can be passed to this Native Operation.
  • description: Information about the Native Operation.


"queries": {
"artist_below_id": {
"sql": {
"inline": "SELECT * FROM public.\"Artist\" WHERE \"ArtistId\" < {{id}}"
"columns": {
"ArtistId": {
"name": "ArtistId",
"type": {
"scalarType": "int4"
"Name": {
"name": "Name",
"type": {
"scalarType": "varchar"
"arguments": {
"id": {
"name": "id",
"type": {
"scalarType": "int4"

Note that the arguments are provided as query parameters - they are not textually interpolated into the query. As such, a native query argument are value expressions and cannot be used in the place of e.g. a table name.

See also the main Native Operations documentation.


Information pertaining the database types used by the connector.


The composite field collects information on all explicitly defined composite types (i.e., those that do not arise implicitly from a table).


Assuming your database has the following types defined:

CREATE TYPE person_name AS
first_name text,
last_name text

CREATE TYPE person_address AS
address_line_1 text,
address_line_2 text

name person_name,
address person_address

The introspection process will generate the corresponding metadata declarations:

"name": "person",
"schema": "public",
"address": { "name": "address", "type": { "compositeType": "person_address" }, "description": null },
"name": { "name": "name", "type": { "compositeType": "person_name" }, "description": null },
"description": null,
"name": "person_address",
"schema": "public",
"address_line_1": { "name": "address_line_1", "type": { "scalarType": "text" }, "description": null },
"address_line_2": { "name": "address_line_2", "type": { "scalarType": "text" }, "description": null },
"description": null,
"name": "person_name",
"schema": "public",
"first_name": { "name": "first_name", "type": { "scalarType": "text" }, "description": null },
"last_name": { "name": "last_name", "type": { "scalarType": "text" }, "description": null },
"description": null,


The metadata.types.scalar field captures the scalar types that end up appearing in the data connector schema and their associated comparison operators and aggregation functions.

The introspection process will attempt to ensure that only relevant types that actually appear in collection fields or input argument appear in the metadata.


// The name that appears in the data connector schema "typeName": "bool",
"schemaName": "pg_catalog",
"description": null,
"bool_and": { "returnType": "bool" },
"bool_or": { "returnType": "bool" },
"every": { "returnType": "bool" },
// The name that appears in the data connector schema "operatorName": "=",
// Name of the operator in the database "operatorKind": "equal",
// The canonical equality operator (for relationships) "argumentType": "char",
true // Indication of whether the operator is syntactically a binary // infix operator or a binary
"operatorName": ">",
"operatorKind": "custom",
// A non-equality operator "argumentType": "char",
"isInfix": true,
"typeRepresentation": "boolean",

The aggregateFunctions field declares the aggregation functions that are defined for the scalar type. The introspection process is capable of discovering all compatible aggregation functions.

The only aggregation functions supported are those that take a single argument, which include most builtin functions.

Global scope

Note that the support for aggregation function is not yet aware of schema namespacing. User-defined aggrate functions should be defined in the search_path of the database user used by the data connector (e.g., the public schema).

The comparisonOperators field declares the comparison operators that are defined for the scalar type. A comparison operator is any function that takes two arguments and returns a bool value. An operator is recorded under the scalar type declaration of its first argument.

The introspection process is capable of discovering all compatible comparison operators, including those accessible through implicit casts.

Many comparison operators in PostgreSQL are syntactically applied as binary infix operators and denoted by non-alphabetical symbols. Therefore we map the names of infix operators. This process is controlled by the introspectionOptions.comparisonOperatorMapping field.

Regular functions which use prefix-application syntax are also usable as comparison operators. These too are discoverable by the introspection process. However, there is a large body of pre-existing functions that appear to be comparison functions according to their type (i.e., they take two arguments and return a bool) yet can't be meaningfully said to be performing a comparison operation (such as pg_has_role). Therefore, only the names mentioned in introspectionOptions.introspectPrefixFunctionComparisonOperators are considered by the introspection process.

Global scope

Note that the support for comparison operators is not yet aware of schema namespacing. User-defined comparison operators should be defined in the search_path of the database user used by the data connector (e.g., the public or pg_catalog schemas).

The typeRepresentation field defines the type representations of the scalar type. If a type does not have a defined type representation, the default type representation is opaque json.

The type representation of a scalar type indicates what values are considered acceptable in requests, and what values are expected to be returned in the response.


This field collects various options that may be used to drive the configuration and introspection process.


The introspectionOptions.excludedSchemas field is a list of schema names that the introspection process will ignore. The default value includes schemas used for internal database bookkeeping and reflection, such as information_schema, for PostgreSQL and common extensions.

Example (default)

"excludedSchemas": [
"information_schema", # PostgreSQL
"pg_catalog", # PostgreSQL
"tiger", # PostGIS extension
"crdb_internal", # CockroachDB
"columnar", # Citus
"columnar_internal", # Citus


The introspectionOptions.unqualifiedSchemasForTables field identifies schemas for which the introspection process will generate table metadata entries that are not prefixed by the schema name.

Tables defined in schemas in this list will have metadata entries that of the form <table_name>. Those defined in schemas not in this list will have metadata entries that of the form <schema_name>_<table_name>.

Example (default)

"unqualifiedSchemasForTables": [


The introspectionOptions.unqualifiedSchemasForTypesAndProcedures field identifies schemas for which the introspection process will generate type and comparison operator metadata entries that are not prefixed by the schema name, similar to the same for tables.

Global scope

Comparison operators and types only support unqualified access i.e. global scoping currently. Consequentially, types and operators defined in any schema not in this list will not be discoverable.

Example (default)

"unqualifiedSchemasForTypesAndProcedures": [


The introspectionOptions.comparisonOperatorMapping field describes the names that will be used to represent infix comparison operators such as =, !=, LIKE, <, etc.

In order for the introspection process to discover a given operator it must have an entry in this list.

Example (default, truncated)

{ "operatorName": "=", "exposedName": "_eq", "operatorKind": "equal" },
{ "operatorName": "<=", "exposedName": "_lte", "operatorKind": "custom" },


The introspectionOptions.introspectPrefixFunctionComparisonOperators gives the list of prefix-functions that are candidates for comparison operators.

Because of the wide variety of predefined functions in existence this is an inclusion list rather than an exclusion list. Functions not appearing in this list will not be discoverable by the introspection process.

Example (default, truncated)

"introspectPrefixFunctionComparisonOperators": ["box_above", "box_below", "box_contain", ...]


The typeRepresentations field define the TypeRepresentation that the introspection process will assign to the types it encounters.


The default initial type representation mappings:

"bit": "string",
"bool": "boolean",
"bpchar": "string",
"char": "string",
"date": "date",
"float4": "float32",
"float8": "float64",
"int2": "int16",
"int4": "int32",
"int8": "int64AsString",
"numeric": "bigDecimalAsString",
"text": "string",
"time": "time",
"timestamp": "timestamp",
"timestamptz": "timestamptz",
"timetz": "timetz",
"uuid": "uUID",
"varchar": "string",

The type representation guides how the Postgresql type will be exposed in the final DDN API of the project, and may influence the output format of queries as well.

For example, type representations enable the API generation to assign e.g. the GraphQL type String to all of the Postgresql types varchar, text etc.

int8 and numeric types

The default type representations of int8 and numeric types are int64AsString and bigDecimalAsString respectively. These indicate that values accepted in requests and returned in response will have a string value json representation, to improve compatibility with common JavaScript clients.

It is possible to configure this option to represent these types as numbers instead. To do so, configure the type representation of the int8 type to int64, and/or configure the type representation of the numeric type to bigDecimal as follows:


Experimental feature under ongoing development

Developing support for mutations of tables is an ongoing effort that has still not settled on a concrete form. The mutationsVersion field is essentially a feature flag toggle that will let you opt-in to trying this feature as it evolves.

Beware that the set of supported mutations versions is expected to have a rapid turnover, and there is no guarantee that two successive configuration versions will have any overlap in the mutations versions they support.

The mutationsVersion field indicates the flavor of table mutations to expose in the schema of the data connector. By default this field is omitted, resulting in no mutations being generated.

Introduction and removal of supported mutations versions will only happen in the context of a version bump of the main configuration.

The currently supported value are "v1", "v2", where the latest version is preferred.

mutationsVersion: "v1"

A table my_table gets a v1_insert_my_table mutation in the connector schema which takes a single argument _object of object type equivalent to the type of the table. It is a runtime error to insert into columns that are generated. The mutation result type is that of the table, allowing selection of fields from the row that was inserted.

A table my_table with a single-column primary key my_id_column gets a v1_delete_my_table_by_my_id_column mutation with a single argument my_id_column of type equal to that of the column. The mutation result type is that of the table, allowing selection of fields from the row that was deleted.

This version of mutations does not support filter-based permissions.

mutationsVersion: "v2"

"v2" of auto-generated mutations introduces insert, delete and update point mutations per table that include permission arguments.

We generate the following procedures:

  • A single insert procedure is generated per table, and has the following form:

    objects: [<table-object>],
    post_check: <boolexpr>

    Using it, we can insert multiple objects and include a post check for permissions.

  • A delete procedure is generated per table X unique constraint, and has the following form:

    key_<column1>: <value>,
    key_<column2>: <value>,
    pre_check: <boolexpr>

    Using it, we can delete a single row using the uniqueness constraint, and include a pre check for permissions.

  • An update procedure is generated per table X unique constraint, and has the following form:

    key_<column1>: <value>,
    key_<column2>: <value>,
    update_columns: { <column>: { _set: <value> }, ... },
    pre_check: <boolexpr>,
    post_check: <boolexpr>

    Using it, we can update a single row using the uniqueness constraint by updating the relevant columns, and include a pre check and post check for permissions.

For each pre_check and post_check arguments of a mutation, an Argument Preset should be set in the mutation's Command Permissions.
