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Version: v3.x (DDN)

Service Accounts


A service account represents an application, service, or automated process rather than a human user. These accounts are employed for running background jobs, connecting systems, or performing specific operations without requiring manual intervention.

Project owners or administrators can create and delete service accounts as needed. These accounts can act as collaborators on other projects, just like regular users, and can hold roles such as supergraph admin or subgraph admin.

Additionally, project owners or administrators can regenerate service account tokens, making them a secure and ideal alternative to Personal Access Tokens (PAT) for use in CI/CD workflows.

Only available on DDN Base and higher

In order to create service accounts, your project must either be a DDN Base or DDN Advanced project.

How to create service account

Step 1: Navigate to the Service Accounts section

As an owner or administrator on the project, open your project's console at and click Settings in the bottom-left corner. Then select Service Accounts from the Project Settings menu and click New Service Account:

Create a service account

Step 2: Enter details

Enter service account name and click Continue:

Create a service account

Step 3: Save service account token

After creating the service account, copy the service account token and store it securely. This token allows the CLI to authenticate your service account You will not be able to view the token again after this step.

Create a service account

Step 4: Setup service account permissions

After saving the service account token, select the project and access level you want to grant to the service account, and click Give Access:

Create a service account

Granular Access Only available on DDN Advanced

In order to add service account as a subgraph administrator, your project must be a DDN Advanced project.

You can skip this step and assign permissions later by inviting the service account as a project collaborator.

How to use service account token

Step 1. Login via CLI

ddn auth login --access-token <service-account-token>

Step 2. Create and apply supergraph build

# Create supergraph build
ddn supergraph build create [flags]

# Apply supergraph build
ddn supergraph build apply <supergraph-build-version> [flags]
Streamline CI/CD workflows

For more efficient automation with service accounts, you can create and apply the supergraph build in a single command using ddn supergraph build create [flags] --apply

How to regenerate service account token

Navigate to the Service Accounts section and click the Regenerate button next to the service account for which you want to regenerate the token:

Create a service account

How to delete service account

Step 1: Navigate to the Service Accounts section

Click the Delete button next to the service account you want to delete:

Create a service account

Step 2: Verify and confirm deletion

Create a service account

More information

See more about Hasura DDN plans and pricing here.