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Version: v3.x

Limit Data to Users


In this recipe, you'll learn how to configure permissions to limit users to accessing only their data.

This can be done by passing a value in the header of each request to your supergraph; Hasura will then use that value to return only the data which matches conditions you specify.


Before continuing, ensure you have:

  • A local Hasura DDN project.
  • Either JWT or Webhook mode enabled in your AuthConfig.


Step 1. Create your ModelPermissions

To create a new role, such as user, simply add the role to the list of permissions for the model to which you wish to limit access. Then, set up your access control rules.

In the example below, we'll allow users with the role of user to access only their own rows from a Users model by checking for a header value matching their id:

For example, in a Users.hml
kind: ModelPermissions
version: v1
modelName: Users
- role: admin
filter: null
- role: user
field: id
operator: _eq
sessionVariable: x-hasura-user-id

You can modify this to meet your own data modeling by ensuring that the field is a column or type that can be compared to the value of the session variable you send in the header of your request. In this example, we're using x-hasura-user-id, but you can use any x-hasura- value you wish.

Authentication recipes

We have recipes for popular authentication providers available here!

Step 2. Create your TypePermissions

By adding ModelPermissions, we've made the model available to the new role. However, this role is not yet able to access any of the fields from the model. We can do that by adding the new role to the list of permissions and including which fields are accessible to it.

For example, in a Users.hml
kind: TypePermissions
version: v1
typeName: Users
- role: admin
- createdAt
- email
- favoriteArtist
- id
- isEmailVerified
- lastSeen
- name
- password
- updatedAt
- role: user
- createdAt
- email
- favoriteArtist
- id
- isEmailVerified
- lastSeen
- name
- password
- updatedAt

If you want to restrict which fields the new role can access, simply omit them from the list of allowedFields.

Step 3. Test your permissions

Create a new build of your supergraph:

ddn supergraph build local

Then, in a request, pass a header with the session variable you identified earlier according to your authentication configuration. You should see a schema limited to whatever ModelPermissions you defined for your new role and — when executing a query — only see data meeting the filtering rule you included in the first step.

Wrapping up

In this guide, you learned how to limit a user to see only their own data from a single type. However, you can use this same recipe and apply it to a variety of scenarios.

As you continue building out your supergraph, keep in mind that authentication and authorization are crucial components. Always validate your configuration and regularly test your setup to ensure it functions as expected across different roles and environments.

Learn more about authorization and authentication

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