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Version: v3.x (DDN)

Type Expressions in Connector Configuration

Connector configuration includes configuration for database collection schemas, and native operations. Each of these require type expressions to specify the types of collection fields, native operation arguments, and native operation outputs.

For example here is a schema configuration:
"name": "users",
"collections": {
"users": {
"type": "users"
"objectTypes": {
"users": {
"fields": {
"_id": {
"type": { "scalar": "objectId" },
"description": "primary key"
"name": {
"type": { "scalar": "string" }
"metadata": {
"type": "extendedJSON"

This example specifies the collection object type, an object type called users, and provides a definition for that object type with types for its _id and _name fields.

Types are expressed as JSON objects with (in most cases) a single field to distinguish scalar types vs the different complex types.

Scalar types

Scalar types are given as an object with a scalar key:

{ "scalar": "string" }

The exception is the scalar type extendJSON which is expressed as a string instead of an object:


See Connector Types for a list of available scalar types.

Nullable types

To get a nullable type, wrap any other type in an object with a nullable property:

{ "nullable": { "scalar": "string" } }
{ "nullable": "extendedJSON" }

Values of nullable types may be values allowed by the underlying type, or they may be null.

Array types

To get an array type, wrap any other type in an object with an arrayOf property:

{ "arrayOf": { "scalar": "string" } }

Arrays are homogeneous: every element of the array is assigned the same type.

Object types

Objects are record types with a fixed set of string keys, and a distinct type for each key.

A reference to an object type is given by an object with an object property whose value is the name of an object type.

{ "object": "TypeName" }

All object types are named types - there is no option for inline, anonymous object types.

Definitions for object types are given in objectTypes maps in connector configuration files.

  "objectTypes": {
"users": {
"fields": {
"_id": {
"type": { "scalar": "objectId" },
"description": "primary key"
"name": {
"type": { "scalar": "string" }
"metadata": {
"type": "extendedJSON"

The above example defines an object type called users. Each field of the object type has a required type field that uses the type expression syntax described on this page, and an optional description field which may contain markdown.

These objectTypes maps can appear in each schema, native query, and native mutation file. The definitions from every configuration file are merged into one shared namespace. This has two implications:

  • Every object type name must be unique across all configuration files for the same connector.
  • Each configuration file may reference object types defined in any other configuration file. For example a native query may reference an object type defined in a schema configuration file.