Schema/Metadata API Reference: Computed Fields


computed field is an extra field added to a table, its value is computed via an SQL function which has the table row type as an input argument. Currenty, the Hasura GraphQL engine supports functions returning base types or table row types as computed fields.


add_computed_field is used to define a computed field in a table. There cannot be an existing column or relationship or computed field with the same name.

Create a computed field called full_name on an author table, using an SQL function called author_full_name:

POST /v1/query HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Hasura-Role: admin


Args syntax

Key Required Schema Description
table true TableName Name of the table
name true ComputedFieldName Name of the new computed field
definition true ComputedFieldDefinition The computed field definition
comment false text comment


Key Required Schema Description
function true FunctionName The SQL function
table_argument false String Name of the argument which accepts a table row type. If omitted, the first argument is considered a table argument
session_argument false String Name of the argument which accepts the Hasura session object as a JSON/JSONB value. If omitted, the Hasura session object is not passed to the function


drop_computed_field is used to drop a computed field of a table. If there are other objects dependent on this computed field, like permissions, the request will fail and report the dependencies unless cascade is set to true. If cascade is set to true, the dependent objects are also dropped.

Drop a computed field full_name from a table author:

POST /v1/query HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Hasura-Role: admin

        "cascade": false

Args syntax

Key Required Schema Description
table true TableName Name of the table
name true ComputedFieldName Name of the computed field
cascade false Boolean When set to true, all the dependent items (if any) on this computed fields are also dropped