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Version: v3.x beta

Add another Subgraph


Our supergraph wouldn't be much of a supergraph with only a single subgraph. As we said in the overview, it's convenient, but not required, to organize subgraph metadata files around data domains / data sources.

Ideally, for organizations, the team responsible for a set of data sources owns a specific subgraph and is responsible for authoring and maintaining it.

Step 1: Stop dev mode

Before we add the subgraph, we'll first need to stop dev mode in the CLI. In the terminal tab in which this is running, press CTRL+C.

Step 2: Add the new subgraph

Using the same tab, while we're still in the project directory, we'll add a second subgraph using the following command:

ddn create subgraph chinook

The CLI should respond that the subgraph was successfully created and that you need to add this new subgraph to a SupergraphManifest to start using it in your DDN project. We can make our base.supergraph.hml look like this:

kind: SupergraphManifest
version: v1
name: base
envfile: base.env.yaml
- app
- chinook

Step 3: Connect a new data source

Since this is a PostgreSQL database, we can add a connector manifest using the following CLI command:

ddn add connector-manifest chinook_connector --subgraph chinook --hub-connector hasura/postgres --type cloud

Then, in our chinook/chinook_connector/connector/, we can add the new subgraph and connection string:

value: "postgresql://read_only_user:[email protected]:5432/Chinook"

Alternatively, you could add this as an environment variable as we did in the first part of this guide.

We can then run dev mode to generate a new build, introspect our Chinook data source, and watch for changes:

ddn dev
remove headers

Before proceeding, let's remove the x-hasura-role and x-hasura-user-id headers we added earlier.

Step 4: Create relationships across subgraphs

Finally, we'll create a relationship between entities in our different subgraphs. Our Chinook data source is a music-based dataset that contains a type called Artist. We have a favorite_artist colum on our app_users table.

In /app/app_connector/models/Users.hml, let's add the following relationship:

kind: Relationship
version: v1
name: user_to_favorite_artist
source: Users
subgraph: chinook
name: Artist
relationshipType: Object
- source:
- fieldName: favoriteArtist
- fieldName: artistId
Remember, you can use LSP to assist in authoring metadata

While you can copy and paste the value above, don't forget that LSP is available to assist you when writing your own relationships, permissions, and any other metadata-authoring tasks you'll need to complete.

We can then run the following query and see that — rightly so — everyone's favorite artist is AC/DC 🤘

query MyQuery {
app_users {
user_to_favorite_artist {
AC/DC rock-n-roll

What just happened?

We created a second subgraph called chinook and added a completely separate data source using the chinook_connector. We then created a relationship across these subgraphs to link disparate tables and make them available via a single query. We can even visualize this using the console's explorer, available in the left-hand navigation.

Explorer for supergraph

Check out the final page in our getting-started guide to learn how easy it is to add your own authentication platform, build and deploy connectors, and create rock-solid CI/CD pipelines for easy and automated deployments.
