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Version: v3.x

Invite Collaborators


Hasura DDN allows multiple users and teams to work together as collaborators on projects by assigning each user specific roles and permissions.

You can invite users to a project, or allow them to request access.

Only available on DDN Base and higher

In order to add collaborators, your project must either be a DDN Base or DDN Advanced project.

Available roles

Project OwnerAll Project abilities including deletion. At this time, project ownership is not transferable.


AdminSame as a Project Owner, excluding deletion of the project.
Read OnlyA user with this role is only able to explore and visualize the API.


AdminAll subgraph-related abilities: create subgraph build, apply subgraph build to endpoint, create supergraph with subgraph patch, invite other subgraph admins.
DeveloperSame as a subgraph Admin, excluding the ability to invite others and apply subgraph build to endpoint.

How to invite collaborators

Step 1. Navigate to the Collaborators section

Open your project's console at and select it from the list of available projects. Once the project is open, click Settings in the bottom-left corner and then select Collaborators from the Project Settings menu:

Invite a collaborator

Step 2. Enter information

Click the + Invite Collaborator button in the top-right corner of the Collaborators section and enter the collaborator's email address, supergraph or subgraph access level and select their role, and, for subgraph access, their roles per subgraph.

Invite a collaborator
Subgraph Collaborators Only available on DDN Advanced

In order to add subgraph collaborators, your project must be a DDN Advanced project.

The invitee will receive an email with a link allowing them to accept the invite and join the project.

How to accept a collaboration invite

From your email, click the View invitation button. This will send you to where you can accept it and then explore and contribute to the project according your role.

Step 2. Explore the project

From your new project, you can explore the console by:

  • Running queries from the GraphiQL explorer.
  • Visualizing the supergraph with the Explorer tab.
  • Seeing other collaborators present in the project.

Step 3. Learn how to develop locally

The owner of the project most likely has a Git repository with the project's contents available on a service such as GitHub. To run the supergraph locally, and make contributions to the deployed supergraph, pick up here in our getting started docs.

Allow users to request access

You can adjust your project's settings to allow users to request access when navigating to your project's URL. To do this, click the Share button in the top navigation of your project and select Request Access.

Allow users to request access to your project

Each time a user requests access, you'll be able to approve or deny the request from this modal.

More information

See more about Hasura DDN plans and pricing here.
