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Exploring Hasura as data access layer in distributed systems

23-06-2020 · 10:20 PDT
TypeData API
This talk will focus on two aspects of distributed systems: inter-service communication and database access across services. We will briefly discuss the related challenges and potential solutions using Hasura.
  • As a data access layer in serverless architecture
  • As a unified API for inter-service communication
  • To support/build an event driven system
Himshwet Gaurav
Himshwet Gaurav
Founder & Senior Product Engineer
About Himshwet Gaurav
Himshwet founded and leads a digital product studio in Tallinn, Estonia. He has a decade plus experience in product design and software engineering. For past three years he has been working extensively with GraphQL and event driven architectures. In his most recent project he built a bespoke CRM solution on top of Hasura using serverless architecture.