

Open API (IBM)

openapi-to-graphql translates APIs described by OpenAPI Specifications (OAS) or Swagger into GraphQL. This server uses that package as a dependency to convert OAS to GraphQL.

You can use the one-click to deploy on Hasura Cloud to get started quickly

Deploy to Hasura Cloud

Deploy with Glitch

  1. Click the following button to edit on glitch


  2. Change the OpenAPI spec in the openapi.json file, as necessary.

Adding OpenAPI/Swagger as Remote Schema

To be able to query OpenAPI/Swagger data via Hasura, it needs to be added as a Remote Schema using the Hasura Console.

Running Locally

npm install
PORT=3000 npm start

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About Open API (IBM)
openapi-to-graphql translates APIs described by OpenAPI Specifications (OAS) or Swagger into GraphQL. Query OpenAPI/Swagger data via Hasura.
About Open API (IBM)
openapi-to-graphql translates APIs described by OpenAPI Specifications (OAS) or Swagger into GraphQL. Query OpenAPI/Swagger data via Hasura.