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Fetch public todos - subscription
Let's define the graphql query to be used:
Open src/app/Todo/TodoPublicList.ts
and add the following imports.
import { Component, OnInit, Input } from '@angular/core';+ import { gql } from 'apollo-angular';
Now let's define the subscription query to get notified about new public todos
import { Component, OnInit, Input } from '@angular/core';import { gql } from 'apollo-angular';+ // Run a subscription to get the latest public todo+ const NOTIFY_NEW_PUBLIC_TODOS = gql`+ subscription notifyNewPublicTodos {+ todos (where: { is_public: { _eq: true}}, limit: 1, order_by: {created_at: desc }) {+ id+ created_at+ }+ }+ `;+ // Type for new public todos+ interface Todo {+ id: number;+ created_at: Date;+ }++ interface NewPublicTodos {+ todos: Todo[];+ }
is being imported from apollo-angular
import { Component, OnInit, Input } from '@angular/core';+ import { Apollo, gql } from 'apollo-angular'
What does the Subscription do?
The query fetches todos
with a simple condition; is_public
must be true. We also limit the number of todos to 1, since we would just like to get notified whenever a new todo comes in.
We sort the todos by its latest created_at time according to the schema. We specify which fields we need for the todos node.
Now, we will add the getNotifications
method to get notified of a new public todo.
export class TodoPublicList implements OnInit {olderTodosAvailable= true;newTodosCount = 0;+ oldestTodoId;+ newestTodoId;todos= [{id: "1",title: "This is public todo 1",user: {name: "someUser1"}},{id: "2",title: "This is public todo 2",is_completed: false,is_public: true,user: {name: "someUser2"}},{id: "3",title: "This is public todo 3",user: {name: "someUser3"}},{id: "4",title: "This is public todo 4",user: {name: "someUser4"}}];+ loading: boolean = true;+ constructor(private apollo: Apollo) {}+ ngOnInit() {+ this.getNotifications();+ }+ getNotifications() {+ this.apollo.subscribe<NewPublicTodos>({+ query: NOTIFY_NEW_PUBLIC_TODOS,+ }).subscribe(({ data }) => {+ this.loading = false;+ if(data) {+ const latestTodo = data.todos.length ? data.todos[0] : null;+ this.olderTodosAvailable = latestTodo? true: false;+ this.oldestTodoId=latestTodo? ( +1) : 0 ;+ if (latestTodo && > this.newestTodoId) {+ this.newestTodoId =;+ this.newTodosCount = this.newTodosCount +1;+ } else {+ this.newestTodoId=latestTodo? : 0;+ this.loadOlder();+ }+ }+ console.log('got data', data);+ },(error) => {+ console.log('there was an error sending the query', error);+ });+ }}
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