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Mutation and update cache
Open TaskFragment.kt
and add the following function to delete all the completed todos from the cloud.
private fun removeAllCompletedCloud(){// Init QueryclearCompletedMutation = ClearCompletedMutation.builder().build()// Apollo runs query on background threadNetwork.apolloClient.mutate(clearCompletedMutation)?.enqueue(object : ApolloCall.Callback<ClearCompletedMutation.Data>() {override fun onFailure(error: ApolloException) {Log.d("Todo", error.toString() )}override fun onResponse(@NotNull response: Response<ClearCompletedMutation.Data>) {// get data from local cache and update the listval todos = listItems?.filter { task -> task.is_completed }Network.apolloClient.apolloStore().write(GetMyTodosQuery(), GetMyTodosQuery.Data(todos!!)).execute()getMyTodosQueryLocal()}})}
And finally update the removeAllCompleted
function as below
private fun removeAllCompleted() {- // Todo : Method for clearing all completed task at once+ removeAllCompletedCloud()}
That's a wrap of the todo app.
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