Sync new todos

Once a new todo is entered in a public list, it needs to appear in the UI. Instead of automatically displaying the todo in the UI, we use a Feed like Notification banner which appears whenever a new todo is received.

In the Subscription method of the previous step, we only get the latest todo id not the complete todo. We will now write a query to fetch the list of public todos based on id.

Start off by writing a graphql query which takes in id as query variable.

query getNewPublicTodos($latestVisibleId: Int) {
todos(where: { is_public: { _eq: true }, id: { _gt: $latestVisibleId } }, order_by: { created_at: desc }) {
user {

Now that we have this query, we can write our functions to fetch public todos based on id's.

private fun getNewPublicTodosQuery(todoId: Int){
//Init Query
getNewPublicTodosQuery = GetNewPublicTodosQuery.builder().latestVisibleId(todoId -1).build()
// Apollo runs query on background thread
.enqueue(object : ApolloCall.Callback<GetNewPublicTodosQuery.Data>() {
override fun onFailure(error: ApolloException) {
Log.d("Public Feed", error.toString() )
override fun onResponse(@NotNull response: Response<GetNewPublicTodosQuery.Data>) {
// Changing UI must be on UI thread
val publicTodoList = mutableListOf(!!).flatMap {
data -> data.todos().map{
data -> "@${data.user().name()} - ${data.title()}"
firstVisibleId = mutableListOf(!!).flatMap {
data -> data.todos()
listItems.addAll(0, publicTodoList.toMutableList())

Let's update our action to click of view button in notification banner,

// Show Notification View
private fun showNotificationView(){
- // TODO : More items to load
+ activity?.runOnUiThread {
+ if(notificationCount.size == 1)
+ listView.addHeaderView(notificationView)
+ setNotificationCountText()
+ listView.smoothScrollToPosition(0)
+ }

To get the older todos on click of load more button, lets add the graphql query for it,

query getOldPublicTodos ($oldestTodoId: Int!) {
todos (where: { is_public: { _eq: true}, id: {_lt: $oldestTodoId}}, limit: 7, order_by: { created_at: desc }) {
user {

Update the loadMoreItems function to the following:

private fun loadMoreItems(){
- // TODO : More items to load
+ getOldPublicTodosQuery()
// Get Old Todos
+ private fun getOldPublicTodosQuery(){
+ //Init Query
+ getoldPublicTodosQuery = GetOldPublicTodosQuery.builder().oldestTodoId(lastVisibleId!!).build()
+ // Apollo runs query on background thread
+ Network.apolloClient
+ .query(getoldPublicTodosQuery)
+ .responseFetcher(ApolloResponseFetchers.NETWORK_ONLY)
+ .enqueue(object : ApolloCall.Callback<GetOldPublicTodosQuery.Data>() {
+ override fun onFailure(error: ApolloException) {
+ Log.d("Public Feed", error.toString() )
+ }
+ override fun onResponse(@NotNull response: Response<GetOldPublicTodosQuery.Data>) {
+ // Changing UI must be on UI thread
+ val publicTodoList = mutableListOf(!!).flatMap {
+ data -> data.todos().map{
+ data -> "@${data.user().name()} - ${data.title()}"
+ }
+ }
+ lastVisibleId = mutableListOf(!!).flatMap {
+ data -> data.todos()
+ }.last().id()
+ listItems.addAll(publicTodoList.toMutableList())
+ refreshListView()
+ activity?.runOnUiThread {listView.smoothScrollToPosition(listItems.size)}
+ }
+ })
+ }

We are defining a query to fetch older public todos and making a apolloClient.query call to get the data from the cloud. Once we get the data, we update the listItems & reload the tableView to re-render the UI with the available list of public todos.

Try adding a new Public todo, it won't show up, as we are not doing anything on the Done Action of keyboard, lets add that.

private fun addPublicTodo(title: String){
- // TODO : Add public todo on press of done on keyboard
+ addNewPublicTodoMutationCloud(title)

Now try adding a new todo to the public feed and you will see the notification appearing saying that a new task has arrived.

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