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Fetch public todos - subscription
Let's define the graphql query to be used:
Open FeedFragment.kt
and add the following variable and initialize in onCreate
and onPause
private lateinit var newPublicTodosSubscriptionQuery: NotifyNewPublicTodosSubscriptionprivate var newpublicTodoSubscription: ApolloSubscriptionCall<NotifyNewPublicTodosSubscription.Data>? = nulloverride fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)// SubscribesubscribeNewPublicTodo()}// Disable Subscriptionsoverride fun onPause() {super.onPause()newpublicTodoSubscription?.cancel()}
Now let's define the subscription to get notified about new public todos
private fun subscribeNewPublicTodo(){// Init QuerynewPublicTodosSubscriptionQuery = NotifyNewPublicTodosSubscription.builder().build()newpublicTodoSubscription = Network.apolloClient.subscribe(newPublicTodosSubscriptionQuery)newpublicTodoSubscription?.execute(object: ApolloSubscriptionCall.Callback<NotifyNewPublicTodosSubscription.Data> {override fun onFailure(e: ApolloException) {Log.d("Public Feed", e.toString())}override fun onResponse(response: Response<NotifyNewPublicTodosSubscription.Data>) {Log.d("Public Feed Subs", notifId: Int = mutableListOf(!!).flatMap {data -> data.todos()}.first().id()if ( firstVisibleId != null && notifId != firstVisibleId)notificationCount.add(notifId)showNotificationView()}override fun onConnected() {Log.d("Public Feed", "Connected to WS" )}override fun onTerminated() {Log.d("Public Feeds", "Dis-connected from WS" )}override fun onCompleted() {}})}
Also lets add a function to fetch the initial public todos.
+ private lateinit var initialPublicTodosQuery: GetInitialPublicTodosQueryprivate fun getInitialPublicTodosQuery(){// Init QueryinitialPublicTodosQuery = GetInitialPublicTodosQuery.builder().build()// Apollo runs query on background threadNetwork.apolloClient.query(initialPublicTodosQuery).responseFetcher(ApolloResponseFetchers.NETWORK_ONLY).enqueue(object : ApolloCall.Callback<GetInitialPublicTodosQuery.Data>() {override fun onFailure(error: ApolloException) {Log.d("Public Feed", error.toString() )}override fun onResponse(@NotNull response: Response<GetInitialPublicTodosQuery.Data>) {// Changing UI must be on UI threadval publicTodoList = mutableListOf(!!).flatMap {data -> data.todos().map{data -> "@${data.user().name()} - ${data.title()}"}}firstVisibleId = mutableListOf(!!).flatMap {data -> data.todos()}.first().id()lastVisibleId = mutableListOf(!!).flatMap {data -> data.todos()}.last().id()listItems = publicTodoList.toMutableList()refreshListView()setupLoadMore()}})}
and add that in onAttach
override fun onAttach(context: Context?) {super.onAttach(context)// Initial public todosgetInitialPublicTodosQuery()}
What does the Subscription do?
The query fetches todos
with a simple condition; is_public
must be true. We also limit the number of todos to 1, since we would just like to get notified whenever a new todo comes in.
We sort the todos by its latest createdAt time according to the schema. We specify which fields we need for the todos node.
Right now we don't return anything when new data comes in. getInitialPublicTodosQuery
will map the to the publicTodos so, we can view them on the list.
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