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Set up a GraphQL client with Apollo
Elm-graphql doesn't have a native websockets client. The only option available as of now is to use apollo client on the javascript side to make a GraphQL subscription query. We will get into how we can achieve it a little later.
Lets configure our ApolloClient
Elm Apollo Installation
Let's get started by installing apollo client & peer graphql dependencies:
$ npm install --save graphql apollo-client apollo-link-ws apollo-cache-inmemory subscriptions-transport-ws graphql-tag
Create Apollo Client Instance
/* */+var apolloClient = require("apollo-client")+var apolloLinkWS = require('apollo-link-ws')+var apolloCacheInMemory = require("apollo-cache-inmemory")+var gql = require('graphql-tag')++var GRAPHQL_URI = ''++const getClient = (token) => {+ const wsLink = new apolloLinkWS.WebSocketLink({+ uri: `wss://${GRAPHQL_URI}`,+ options: {+ reconnect: true,+ connectionParams: {+ headers: {+ Authorization: `Bearer ${ token }`+ }+ }+ }+ });++ const client = new apolloClient.ApolloClient({+ link: wsLink,+ cache: new apolloCacheInMemory.InMemoryCache({+ addTypename: true+ })+ });+ return client;+};document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {var app = Elm.Main.init({node: document.getElementById('app')})app.ports.storeToken.subscribe(function(token) {localStorage.setItem('token', token)})app.ports.removeTokenFromStarage.subscribe(function() {localStorage.removeItem('token')})var token = localStorage.getItem('token')if ( token ) {app.ports.gotStoredToken.send(token)}})
Let's try to understand what is happening here.
HttpLink and InMemoryCache
We are creating a wsLink
to connect ApolloClient with the GraphQL server. As you know already, our GraphQL server is running at
At the end, we instantiate ApolloClient by passing in our link and a new instance of InMemoryCache
(recommended caching solution). We are wrapping all of this in a function which will return the client.
We are going to make use of this function to initiate GraphQL subscriptions.
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