This course is no longer maintained and may be out-of-date. While it remains available for reference, its content may not reflect the latest updates, best practices, or supported features.

Sync new todos

Once a new todo is entered in a public list, it needs to appear in the UI. Instead of automatically displaying the todo in the UI, we use a Feed like Notification banner which appears whenever a new todo is received.

Remember that previously we have subscribed to a query which was fetching the most recent public todo added. We then fetch the initial list using the most recent public todo id.

Lets add functionality to the loadMoreSections

Construct GraphQL Queries

Lets construct the GraphQL query for the above two operations

makeRequest : SelectionSet Todos RootQuery -> String -> Cmd Msg
makeRequest query authToken =
(RemoteData.fromResult >> FetchPublicDataSuccess)
+gtLastTodoId : Int -> OptionalArgument Int_comparison_exp
+gtLastTodoId id =
+ Present
+ (buildInt_comparison_exp
+ (\args ->
+ { args
+ | gt_ = Present id
+ }
+ )
+ )
+newPublicTodosWhere : Int -> OptionalArgument Todos_bool_exp
+newPublicTodosWhere id =
+ Present
+ (buildTodos_bool_exp
+ (\args ->
+ { args
+ | id = gtLastTodoId id
+ , is_public = equalToBoolean True
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ Generates argument as below
+ ```
+ order_by : [
+ {
+ created_at: desc
+ }
+ ],
+ where_ : {
+ id: {
+ _gt: <id>
+ },
+ is_public: {
+ _eq: True
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+newPublicTodoListQueryOptionalArgs : Int -> TodosOptionalArguments -> TodosOptionalArguments
+newPublicTodoListQueryOptionalArgs id optionalArgs =
+ { optionalArgs | where_ = newPublicTodosWhere id, order_by = orderByCreatedAt Desc }
+newTodoQuery : Int -> SelectionSet Todos RootQuery
+newTodoQuery id =
+ Query.todos (newPublicTodoListQueryOptionalArgs id) todoListSelectionWithUser
+loadNewTodos : SelectionSet Todos RootQuery -> String -> Cmd Msg
+loadNewTodos q authToken =
+ makeGraphQLQuery authToken q (RemoteData.fromResult >> FetchNewTodoDataSuccess)
+ltLastTodoId : Int -> OptionalArgument Int_comparison_exp
+ltLastTodoId id =
+ Present
+ (buildInt_comparison_exp
+ (\args ->
+ { args
+ | lt_ = Present id
+ }
+ )
+ )
+oldPublicTodosWhere : Int -> OptionalArgument Todos_bool_exp
+oldPublicTodosWhere id =
+ Present
+ (buildTodos_bool_exp
+ (\args ->
+ { args
+ | id = ltLastTodoId id
+ , is_public = equalToBoolean True
+ }
+ )
+ )
+oldPublicTodoListQueryOptionalArgs : Int -> TodosOptionalArguments -> TodosOptionalArguments
+oldPublicTodoListQueryOptionalArgs id optionalArgs =
+ { optionalArgs | where_ = oldPublicTodosWhere id, order_by = orderByCreatedAt Desc, limit = OptionalArgument.Present 7 }
+oldTodoQuery : Int -> SelectionSet Todos RootQuery
+oldTodoQuery id =
+ Query.todos (oldPublicTodoListQueryOptionalArgs id) todoListSelectionWithUser
+loadOldTodos : SelectionSet Todos RootQuery -> String -> Cmd Msg
+loadOldTodos q authToken =
+ makeGraphQLQuery authToken q (RemoteData.fromResult >> FetchOldTodoDataSuccess)

Add new Msg type

Lets add new Msg types which will be called the loadNew and loadOld buttons are clicked

type Msg
= EnteredEmail String
| EnteredPassword String
| EnteredUsername String
| MakeLoginRequest
| MakeSignupRequest
| ToggleAuthForm DisplayForm
| GotLoginResponse LoginResponseParser
| GotSignupResponse SignupResponseParser
| ClearAuthToken
| FetchPrivateDataSuccess TodoData
| InsertPrivateTodo
| UpdateNewTodo String
| InsertPrivateTodoResponse (GraphQLResponse MaybeMutationResponse)
| MarkCompleted Int Bool
| UpdateTodo UpdateTodoItemResponse
| DelTodo Int
| TodoDeleted DeleteTodo
| AllCompletedItemsDeleted AllDeleted
| DeleteAllCompletedItems
| Tick Time.Posix
| UpdateLastSeen UpdateLastSeenResponse
| GotOnlineUsers Decode.Value
| RecentPublicTodoReceived Decode.Value
| FetchPublicDataSuccess PublicDataFetched
+ | FetchNewTodoDataSuccess PublicDataFetched
+ | FetchOldTodoDataSuccess PublicDataFetched
+ | FetchNewPublicTodos
+ | FetchOldPublicTodos

Handle new Msg types in update

Lets add it to our update function to update the models appropriately

+ FetchNewPublicTodos ->
+ let
+ newQuery =
+ newTodoQuery model.publicTodoInfo.currentLastTodoId
+ in
+ ( model, loadNewTodos newQuery model.authData.authToken )
+ FetchOldPublicTodos ->
+ let
+ oldQuery =
+ oldTodoQuery model.publicTodoInfo.oldestTodoId
+ in
+ ( model, loadOldTodos oldQuery model.authData.authToken )
+ FetchOldTodoDataSuccess response ->
+ case response of
+ RemoteData.Success successData ->
+ case List.length successData of
+ 0 ->
+ updatePublicTodoData
+ (\publicTodoInfo -> { publicTodoInfo | oldTodosAvailable = False })
+ model
+ Cmd.none
+ _ ->
+ let
+ oldestTodo =
+ Array.get 0 (Array.fromList (List.foldl (::) [] successData))
+ in
+ case oldestTodo of
+ Just item ->
+ updatePublicTodoData (\publicTodoInfo -> { publicTodoInfo | todos = List.append publicTodoInfo.todos successData, oldestTodoId = }) model Cmd.none
+ Nothing ->
+ ( model, Cmd.none )
+ _ ->
+ ( model, Cmd.none )
+ FetchNewTodoDataSuccess response ->
+ case response of
+ RemoteData.Success successData ->
+ case List.length successData of
+ 0 ->
+ ( model, Cmd.none )
+ _ ->
+ let
+ newestTodo =
+ Array.get 0 (Array.fromList successData)
+ in
+ case newestTodo of
+ Just item ->
+ updatePublicTodoData (\publicTodoInfo -> { publicTodoInfo | todos = List.append successData publicTodoInfo.todos, currentLastTodoId =, newTodoCount = 0 }) model Cmd.none
+ Nothing ->
+ ( model, Cmd.none )
+ _ ->
+ ( model, Cmd.none )

Update loadLatestPublicTodo and loadOldPublicTodos

Lets update our render functions to invoke relevant actions on click

loadLatestPublicTodo : Int -> Html Msg
loadLatestPublicTodo count =
case count of
0 ->
_ ->
- div [ class "loadMoreSection" ]
+ div [ class "loadMoreSection", onClick FetchNewPublicTodos ]
[ text ("New tasks have arrived! (" ++ String.fromInt count ++ ")")
loadOldPublicTodos : Bool -> Html Msg
loadOldPublicTodos oldTodosAvailable =
case oldTodosAvailable of
True ->
- div [ class "loadMoreSection" ]
+ div [ class "loadMoreSection", onClick FetchOldPublicTodos ]
[ text "Load older tasks"
False ->
div [ class "loadMoreSection" ]
[ text "No more public tasks!"
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