This course is no longer maintained and may be out-of-date. While it remains available for reference, its content may not reflect the latest updates, best practices, or supported features.


Lets use the ports defined in the previous step to open a subscription client


Open src/Main.elm and add the following code:

+import Graphql.Document
import Graphql.Http
- import Graphql.Operation exposing (RootMutation, RootQuery)
+import Graphql.Operation exposing (RootMutation, RootQuery, RootSubscription)
+import Hasura.Object.Online_users as OnlineUser
+import Hasura.Subscription as Subscription

Construct GraphQL Subscription

updateLastSeen : String -> SelectionSet (Maybe MutationResponse) RootMutation -> Cmd Msg
updateLastSeen authToken updateQuery =
(RemoteData.fromResult >> UpdateLastSeen)
+onlineUsersSubscription : SelectionSet OnlineUsers RootSubscription
+onlineUsersSubscription =
+ Subscription.online_users identity onlineUsersSelection
+onlineUsersSelection : SelectionSet OnlineUser Hasura.Object.Online_users
+onlineUsersSelection =
+ SelectionSet.map2 OnlineUser
+ (OnlineUser.user selectUser)

Add/Update Data Types

Configure subscriptions and update getInitialEvent to initiate a subscription connection via ports. The subscription in this case will remain active as long as apollo client connection is live.

Here is what it is doing: 1) Initiate a subscription a connection on page load/successful login 2) Configure elm subscription to listen to any changes from the javascript side.

- type alias OnlineUser =
- { id : String
- , user : User
- }
+type alias OnlineUser =
+ { id : Maybe String
+ , user : Maybe User
+ }
+type alias OnlineUsersData =
+ RemoteData Decode.Error OnlineUsers
type alias Model =
{ privateData : PrivateTodo
, publicTodoInsert : String
, publicTodoInfo : PublicTodoData
- , online_users : OnlineUsers
+ , online_users : OnlineUsersData
, authData : AuthData
, authForm : AuthForm
- generateOnlineUser : Int -> OnlineUser
- generateOnlineUser id =
- OnlineUser (String.fromInt id) (generateUser id)
- getOnlineUsers : OnlineUsers
- getOnlineUsers =
- generateOnlineUser seedIds
initialize : Model
initialize =
{ privateData = initializePrivateTodo
- , online_users = getOnlineUsers
+ , online_users = RemoteData.NotAsked
, publicTodoInsert = ""
, publicTodoInfo = PublicTodoData getPublicTodos 0 1 0 True
, authData = AuthData "" "" "" ""
, authForm = AuthForm Login False False ""
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
case String.length model.authData.authToken of
0 ->
_ ->
+ [ gotOnlineUsers GotOnlineUsers
, Time.every 30000 Tick
getInitialEvent : String -> Cmd Msg
getInitialEvent authToken =
[ fetchPrivateTodos authToken
+ , createSubscriptionToOnlineUsers ( onlineUsersSubscription |> Graphql.Document.serializeSubscription, authToken )

Add new Msg type

type Msg
= EnteredEmail String
| EnteredPassword String
| EnteredUsername String
| MakeLoginRequest
| MakeSignupRequest
| ToggleAuthForm DisplayForm
| GotLoginResponse LoginResponseParser
| GotSignupResponse SignupResponseParser
| ClearAuthToken
| FetchPrivateDataSuccess TodoData
| InsertPrivateTodo
| UpdateNewTodo String
| InsertPrivateTodoResponse (GraphQLResponse MaybeMutationResponse)
| MarkCompleted Int Bool
| UpdateTodo UpdateTodoItemResponse
| DelTodo Int
| TodoDeleted DeleteTodo
| AllCompletedItemsDeleted AllDeleted
| DeleteAllCompletedItems
| Tick Time.Posix
| UpdateLastSeen UpdateLastSeenResponse
+ | GotOnlineUsers Decode.Value

Handle new Msg types in update

UpdateLastSeen _ ->
( model
, Cmd.none
+ GotOnlineUsers data ->
+ let
+ remoteData =
+ Decode.decodeValue (onlineUsersSubscription |> Graphql.Document.decoder) data |> RemoteData.fromResult
+ in
+ ( { model | online_users = remoteData }, Cmd.none )

Update render functions

- generateOnlineUsersList : OnlineUsers -> List (Html msg)
- generateOnlineUsersList onlineUser =
- viewOnlineUser onlineUser
+generateOnlineUsersList : OnlineUsersData -> List (Html msg)
+generateOnlineUsersList onlineUser =
+ case onlineUser of
+ RemoteData.Success d ->
+ viewOnlineUser d
+ _ ->
+ [ text "" ]
- getOnlineUsersCount : OnlineUsers -> Int
- getOnlineUsersCount onlineUsers =
- List.length onlineUsers
+getOnlineUsersCount : OnlineUsersData -> Int
+getOnlineUsersCount onlineUsers =
+ case onlineUsers of
+ RemoteData.Success data ->
+ List.length data
+ _ ->
+ 0
- viewOnlineUser : OnlineUser -> Html msg
- viewOnlineUser onlineUser =
- viewUserName
+viewOnlineUser : OnlineUser -> Html msg
+viewOnlineUser onlineUser =
+ case onlineUser.user of
+ Just user ->
+ viewUserName
+ Nothing ->
+ text ""

Add port integration to Main.

Open src/Main.elm and add the following code:

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
var app = Elm.Main.init({node: document.getElementById("root")});
// ports
+ app.ports.createSubscriptionToOnlineUsers.subscribe(function(data) {
+ /* Initiate subscription request */
+ var [ data, authToken ] = data;
+ if (authToken.length > 0) {
+ getClient(authToken).subscribe({
+ query: gql`${data}`,
+ variables: {}
+ }).subscribe({
+ next(resp) {
+ app.ports.gotOnlineUsers.send(resp);
+ },
+ error(err) {
+ console.log('error is');
+ console.log(err);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });

Awesome! You have completed implementations of a GraphQL Query, Mutation and Subscriptions.

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