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Mutation and update cache
Open Todo/TodoVC.swift
and add the following function to delete all the completed todos from the cloud.
// Remove all completed Todos from cloudprivate func removeAllCompletedTodosCloud(){apollo.perform(mutation: ClearCompletedMutation()) { (result, error) inguard let data = result?.data else { return }if data.deleteTodos?.affectedRows == self.filteredTodos.filter({$0.isCompleted}).count {self.todos = self.todos.filter({!$0.isCompleted})self.filteredTodos = self.filteredTodos.filter({!$0.isCompleted})self.removeTodosMutationLocal(id: -1)DispatchQueue.main.async {self.toggleCompleteAction()}}}}
And finally update the removeAllCompleted
function as below
@IBAction func removeAllCompleted(_ sender: Any) {// Remove all completed todos on click of Remove Completed Button+ removeAllCompletedTodosCloud()}
That's a wrap of the todo app.
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