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GraphQL Query to load older todos
Firstly, we need to modify our first FETCH_TODOS
query such that it fetches only 10 items on first load. To do that, just add the limit
argument to it. Go to src/screens/components/Todos
and add the limit
argument and set it to 10
query ($isPublic: Boolean) {todos (order_by: {created_at: desc},where: { is_public: { _eq: $isPublic} },+ limit: 10) {idtitleis_completedcreated_atis_publicuser {name}}}
Now the above GraphQL query would fetch only the last 10 todos.
Now let us write the query to load older todos:
query ($lastId: Int, $isPublic: Boolean){todos (order_by: {id: desc},where: {_and: {is_public: { _eq: $isPublic},id: { _lt: $lastId}}},limit: 10) {idtitleis_completedcreated_atis_publicuser {name}}}
What does this query do?
This query fetches all the todos which have an id
greater than the value coming from the variable $lastId
and which have is_public
equal to the value of $isPublic
in variables.
Let us go ahead and integrate this now.
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