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Load more todos integration

In the last section, we modified the query that fetches all the todos to fetch only 10 todos on first load. We also wrote another query that fetches older todos. Now let us implement a button that loads older todos on press. Go to src/screens/components/Todo/LoadOlder.js, import gql from graphql-tag and define the query that we wrote in the last section:

+ import gql from 'graphql-tag';
+const FETCH_OLD_TODOS = gql`
+query ($lastId: Int, $isPublic: Boolean){
+ todos (
+ order_by: {
+ id: desc
+ },
+ where: {
+ _and: {
+ is_public: { _eq: $isPublic},
+ id: { _lt: $lastId}
+ }
+ },
+ limit: 10
+ ) {
+ id
+ title
+ is_completed
+ created_at
+ is_public
+ user {
+ name
+ }
+ }

We need the apollo client instance to make queries and mutations manually. Just import withApollo from react-apollo and wrap the LoadOlder component with it before while exporting. withApollo helps us inject the client instance as a prop in our TodoItem component. At the very bottom of the file:

+import { withapollo } from 'react-apollo'
-export default loadolder;
+export default withapollo(loadolder);

Also import the FETCH_TODOS query.

import { FETCH_TODOS } from './Todos'

Now write a function in the LoadOlder component.

+ const fetchOlderTodos = async () => {
+ const { client } = props;
+ const data = client.readQuery({
+ query: FETCH_TODOS,
+ variables: {
+ isPublic,
+ }
+ });
+ const numTodos = data.todos.length;
+ setDisabled(true);
+ setLoading(true);
+ const response = await client.query({
+ variables: {
+ isPublic,
+ lastId: numTodos === 0 ? 0 : data.todos[numTodos - 1].id
+ },
+ });
+ setLoading(false);
+ if (! {
+ setDisabled(false)
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( {
+ client.writeQuery({
+ query: FETCH_TODOS,
+ variables: {
+ isPublic
+ },
+ data: { todos: [,]}
+ });
+ if ( < 10) {
+ setButtonText('No more todos');
+ setDisabled(true);
+ } else {
+ setButtonText('Load more todos');
+ setDisabled(false);
+ }
+ } else {
+ setButtonText('Load more todos');
+ }
+ }

The fetchOlderTodos function does the following:

  1. Reads the cache to get the data for query FETCH_TODOS and store it in a variable called data
  2. Makes a GraphQL query to get 10 todos older than the oldest todo in the cache
  3. Gets data and updates the apollo cache with the newly received todos. All the Query components subscribed to this cache are updated after this update
  4. Sets an appropriate button text (No more todos if less than 10 todos were fetched, or Load more todos if 10 todos were fetched).

Finally, integrate this function into the JSX such that it is invoked whenever the button is pressed.

+ onPress={fetchOlderTodos}
loading ?
<CenterSpinner /> :
<Text style={styles.buttonText}>

The pagination functionality should be working now :)

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