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Mutation to bulk delete, update cache
We need to import useMutation
hook to implement the mutation.
- import { gql, useQuery } from "@apollo/client"+ import { gql, useMutation, useQuery } from "@apollo/client"
Open src/components/Todo/TodoPrivateList.tsx
const GET_MY_TODOS = gql`query getMyTodos {todos(where: { is_public: { _eq: false} }, order_by: { created_at: desc }) {idtitlecreated_atis_completed}}`;+ const CLEAR_COMPLETED = gql`+ mutation clearCompleted {+ delete_todos(where: {is_completed: {_eq: true}, is_public: {_eq: false}}){+ affected_rows+ }+ }+ `;
Let's use the above mutation in the hook.
const { loading, error, data } = useQuery<GetMyTodosQuery>(GET_MY_TODOS);+ const [clearTodos] = useMutation(CLEAR_COMPLETED);
We already have a clearCompleted function to handle this. But we don't need a separate one since we can directly call the clearTodos
mutation function which will trigger the mutation to remove all completed todos.
const TodoPrivateList = () => {const [filter, setFilter] = useState<string>("all");const { loading, error, data } = useQuery<GetMyTodosQuery>(GET_MY_TODOS);const [clearTodos] = useMutation(CLEAR_COMPLETED);const filterResults = (filter: string): void => {setFilter(filter);};- const clearCompleted = () => {- };...return (<Fragment><div className="todoListWrapper"><ul>{ todoList }</ul></div><TodoFilterstodos={filteredTodos}currentFilter={filter}filterResultsFn={filterResults}- clearCompletedFn={clearCompleted}+ clearCompletedFn={clearTodos}/></Fragment>);}
Finally, let's add the update function to handle cache updates.
- const [clearTodos] = useMutation(CLEAR_COMPLETED);+ const [clearTodos] = useMutation(+ CLEAR_COMPLETED,+ {+ update(cache, { data }) {+ const existingTodos = cache.readQuery<GetMyTodosQuery>({ query: GET_MY_TODOS });+ const newTodos = existingTodos!.todos.filter(t => (!t.is_completed));+ cache.writeQuery<GetMyTodosQuery>({query:GET_MY_TODOS, data: {todos: newTodos}});+ }+ });
Mapping Types
Let's import the ClearCompletedMutation
type def from the generated definitions.
import {GetMyTodosQuery,+ ClearCompletedMutation,Todos} from '../../generated/graphql';
Now we will apply this to the mutation section.
- const [clearTodos] = useMutation(+ const [clearTodos] = useMutation<ClearCompletedMutation>(
That's a wrap of the todo app.
Build apps and APIs 10x faster
Built-in authorization and caching
8x more performant than hand-rolled APIs